Cyco's Autopot, Pro-Mix, Jacks321, Mandarin Sunset, 2022

Seedling update too.
Jesus MSA is much better than armour si. My plants have never been so flexible!
Mom in tent.jpg

Weaved through the trellis, she's a bit big for this but I avoided trimming 95% of her.
mom in tent smashed.jpg
This seedling is growing really well. Can't remember if I mentioned but she's a freebie Ethos XXX fem. Here she is 14 days old. She's got 5 nodes growing in about a 2.5" height. I'm debating on if I want to mainline her or not.

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seedling 10-28-p2.jpg
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My mandarin sunset mom is doing well. you can see a bit of yellowing, I caught it early but I burnt the new growth when I mixed up the new res. 1.8ec instead of 1.4, woops.
Mandarin Sunset 10-28-p1.jpg
I decided to top her now, gonna let her veg for 1 more week (21 days total) and flower her in the space bucket. I've pulled 3 Oz from it before, but never had this much good growth this fast. I'm going to take a couple clones from her about 2 weeks before harvest incase I like the genetics
It's day 24 from seed. I did some LST, she's been topped once. I'm going to flip her Saturday or Sunday. This nute formula is working very well.
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Those only stay on a few days before flower and then through the flip, after that she'll hold her spacing :D
Here's Momma Mandarin Sunset! Crushing, same res since I started about 1/2 drank, however I had to dilute it today because the EC was at 2.1, diluted down to 1.6 and had to had 1ml of ph up to get it to 5.6ph.

Mandarin Sunset 11-4-p1.jpg
Mandarin Sunset 11-4-p2.jpg
This vine is looking awesome and has filled at great, she looks worlds better compared to the Autopots with Promix.
This is the end of week 2 of flower. Lights have been steadily increased in wattage,. we're at a 130watts with the dual QB96's.
Mandarin Sunset 11-6-p1.jpg
Mandarin Sunset 11-6-p2.jpg
Shed, those LST clips and the rapid growth of the stem caused BOTH stems to split at the same node, I'll remember that for the future, but for this grow I got 4 free tops :D
Here is the XXX, she's starting day 28 and getting flipped to flower. I defoliated some and swapped the light out for this 90watt blurple. She's still on her initial reservoir with 0 top ups. I had to adjust her ph twice, about once a week, and I used 2ML/Gal Athena Cleanse just to kill any bacteria in the res, she has consumed about 1/2 the fluid in the res and the ec has dropped from 1.4 to 1.2, so she'll need a top up very soon.

Side profile of the training.

XXX 11-6-p1.jpg

Top down view of the defoliation.
XXX 11-6-p8.jpg

Clear view of the node stacking. She's got very tight internodal spacing, which I think will make for some fat colas in the spacebucket.
XXX 11-6-p10.jpg

And last, here's the root zone. She's thriving down here, and I love this soaker hose with this piston air pump.
XXX 11-6-p11.jpg
I don't like purple plant pics (so thanks for having some white light in yours!) but I do like that purple bubbly root pic. Might even consider entering it into the PhOTM contest! :thumb:

The vine is looking great but I'm a little concerned that your best growth is flush up against the tent walls. It might not be a bad idea to start training them in toward the middle where it's thinner.
I'm done training this girl, she's ending week 3 of flower. I replaced the DWC water because I forgot to account for EC/PPM going up as you adjust PH, so she was getting hungry. I'm pretty happy with what I turned the vine into, and am very excited to see the harvest.
Mandarin Sunset 11-11-p1.jpg
Mandarin Sunset 11-11-p2.jpg
Okay, so the res change didnt go so great, this strain really is sensitive to nutes and got burnt at max strength. I diluted it down more and made a note but she recovered well. She's looking great.
Mandarin Sunset 11-19-p1.jpg
This XXX strain is getting max strength and loving it. She stretched pretty wildly so I'm a bit worried for the nug density but we'll see how she goes. She looks amazing.
XXX 11-19-p1.jpg
XXX 11-16-p6.jpg
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