Cup grow

Hi guys, so Ive been thinking about doing a cup grow alongside my current grow but can't really find good info on how to get the best results... Any advice will help... I wanna grow in soil and use 350ml cups. I realise I'm not gonna get a massive amount of buds this is just gonna be a little experiment..thanks
Interesting, I have a few regular seeds I can try that with also. See how big it will get in a 16oz cup. :)

There have been a few solo cup grows over the years. Here’s one we did a couple years back. Mine did well in coco, with a simple DIY auto watering system so I wouldn’t have to go water them by hand several times a day.

Thanks! I got lucky with that one. There were some other ones that didn’t do so well, but they were all interesting and fun to grow.
My advice would be to grow in a fluffy hydro medium like perlite, rockwool, coco, etc. They hold more oxygen and can handle larger plants for the pot size, though I know the OP did say they want to use soil.
Aside from that- use a nice vigorous strain that is easy to grow and not finicky. That one above was a Critical Cheese. :thumb:

There have been a few solo cup grows over the years. Here’s one we did a couple years back. Mine did well in coco, with a simple DIY auto watering system so I wouldn’t have to go water them by hand several times a day.

Good Job Brother !!!!!!!! @Weaselcracker if I could produce that kind of growth throughout my whole plant in my 6 plant 50 gallon rdwc system ..I would be pulling 30lbs in a 5x7 scrogg !!!! Again excellent work!
@Weaselcracker OMW!!! That's one gorgeous lady!!! Yeah I'm not so experienced hey I just started a micro grow in November and learning as I go along... I don't have any special seeds just regular bagseed... I've started germinating some seeds last night and I'm gonna go ahead and see what I can get outta a solo cup...
Hey. Excuse the late reply. So that term ‘auto watering system’ makes it sound maybe a little bit fancier or complex than it is, or needs to be. Very easy to set up and definitely worthwhile when growing plants that needs constant watering.

But basically my system was/is a small electric pump in a barrel of water. A garden hose comes from the pump to a little device called a manifold. The watering manifold allows the regular size garden hose to attach, and has a bunch of smaller (1/4”) lines going out from it- so you can run 1/4” water lines to all your pots. The manifold I have is kind of cheap junk and I had to modify it as I think I mention in the thread I have linked to.

I powered the electric pump with a timer. The shortest setting on my digital timer was one minute, so for a plant in a cupful of coco I would usually have it to set to come on about three times a day, for one minute each time.

If you have a tap near the grow with regular high pressure water that is palatable, then you can skip the pump in the barrel routine. You can buy a timer that connects directly to the end of a garden hose, and simply opens and closes a valve on a timer to turn the pressure on/off. I actually have one but it’s no use to me as I do not have pressurized town water and run on rainwater.

Here is a link to a thread where I posted some pics of my setup. Actually this was version 2.0 at the time as version one was even more rustic- but I can’t find pics. You may also find some other good ideas on the same thread.

As for my alleged skills growing that plant - ha! It was just luck! Anyone could have done it. I just got lucky with a hardy strain and a special plant that grew itself perfectly without complaints. But thanks all the same. Cheers. :passitleft:
Helllooooooo everybody!!! Hope yall having a great day out there.....planted my seedlings, fingers crossed that they will all survive... I've actually got a few more seeds that have germinated but I wasn't expecting so so don't have enough cups so il hop into the store tomorrow and get a few more... Here some pics
@Lerugged I truly have been hey, before it was just buying and smoking, now with growing its so therapeutic and the journey is amazing in loving it... Will send some updated pics today when I get home... Oh and only one of my seedlings didn't make it so I think I'm off to a good start...
Hi guys, so Ive been thinking about doing a cup grow alongside my current grow but can't really find good info on how to get the best results... Any advice will help... I wanna grow in soil and use 350ml cups. I realise I'm not gonna get a massive amount of buds this is just gonna be a little experiment..thanks
Wow, you have a full operation now! Good going my guy, if you want to maximize your grow you should look into LST, topping, super cropping... they're all plant training techniques that are free (except LST) which help your grow tremendously!
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