Cultivator's Return - Multiple Grows

Whats happening Cult. i have plants in ~12 L pots, about 2-3 ft tall, they've been vegging for about 6 weeks. i was feeding too light for the first 4 weeks or so, but have been following your feeding recommendations and they look good now.

Should I transplant to bigger pots and then flip, or flip in the smaller pots and feed multiple times a day ?

I have a dripper system installed, but i'm not sure how to run the drip cycles for multiple feedings? I'm thinking my yield per plant will be bigger if I go up in pot size.

Whats happening Cult. i have plants in ~12 L pots, about 2-3 ft tall, they've been vegging for about 6 weeks. i was feeding too light for the first 4 weeks or so, but have been following your feeding recommendations and they look good now.

Should I transplant to bigger pots and then flip, or flip in the smaller pots and feed multiple times a day ?

I have a dripper system installed, but i'm not sure how to run the drip cycles for multiple feedings? I'm thinking my yield per plant will be bigger if I go up in pot size.


It depends really, how many lights are you running again? You could keep in those pots and do 2 or 3 feeds daily or you can put them i 20-25litre pots. I much prefer fabric pots.

Also yoi want to prun up your plants like this...


Hey everyone.

Ive been mega busy the last couple of days and have got quite alot done.

So i will start off on the seedlings. I have just about got my new flower room finished. I need to put a rail up with 4 600w hps as i only got 1 done today.


I potted up all of the seedlings into plain coco coir apart from the 26 BLZ Bud that will go into the flood and drain system. I forgot to take pics of the potted up seedlings today but i will do a video tomorro anyway so not to worry. I went with 17litre fabric pots because i had no 20litre plus pots and i tried to buy 25litre snart pots but the shop only had 10 in atock and i didnt want to wait so 17's will have to make do.

The roots on the seedlings are great but i had a look at tge 60/40 mix roots as well and they are way better. Obviously its a lighter mix which holds onto more o2. Id of potted up into all 60/40 mix but its not practical for 1 manual feed daily, its more suited to multifeeds, hence why it is going into the flood and drain.




So i will do a video update on this space tomorrow at the same time i will be starting to harvest the Gorilla Glue#4 and potting the remaining seedlings into the net pots. They will be hand watered a few days until the system is ready to be refilled after harvest. So i will get into more detail in the video tomorrow.

I cut the dried buds off the stems of the Incredible bulk last night, it wasnt bad quality but i was actually dissapointed with the final number coming in at 54 dry oz. I guess its always better to get something and its a luxury problem complaining about having a dozen oz or so short. Some people have none so nevermind. Heres a few bud pics anyway...







Finally heres some pics pf my Amnesia hybrids growing in spain. As you can see they are being stress trained. They need defoliated but i wll do it when i return. The priorities right now are to get the jobs in uk sorted. They really are ready to be potted up. They will go into 22 litre smart pots for a week or so then get flipped to flower.




I will get video update done tomorrow hopefull you all like what you see.

I was thinking yesterday, its quite quiet around here so im going to start promoting the journal to get a bit more interest. Im not the best at promotion but i will give it a bast lol.

It depends really, how many lights are you running again? You could keep in those pots and do 2 or 3 feeds daily or you can put them i 20-25litre pots. I much prefer fabric pots.

Also yoi want to prun up your plants like this...



I am running 4 - 1000 watt DE HPS. 3 plants per light. I pruned tonight, I keep the branches so I can cut clones right before flip.

If I run 2-3 drip cycles do I feed full strength each feeding? And when do I need to water until runoff? I thought I remember you saying that when you feed multiple times a day you need runoff but can't recall.

Thank you!!!
Yes run full strength every feed. Just mix a rez of nutes and let it run. Id have a res that holds enough to feed for 5-7days. Dont worry about run off but a little is fine. Problem is by keeping the coco wet you havea higher chance of getting fungus say you want to try get thise plants taking 3 or 4 litres per day.

You could do a 7 day res. Set your ec and ph and on day 7 top up with water to drop ec. Lets say your res is set at 1.6ec. On day 7 top up the res until ec is 1.2 ec and readjust ph. This means the plants get their nutes but once a weak they get a slightly weaker mix that will prevent salt build up in the coco.

Also be sure to use a product such as drip clean when runnng drippers, it will prevent salt build up in the lines. The last thing you want are blocked and poor flowing drippers. Drip clean works well.
Yeah no worries man. Appreciate it. I mean ro be fair i journal mostly for myself as references and just so i have something to look back on when ive had enough.

But its also nice to share my knowledge and gain some feedback and diff points of view to what i do. As long as its in an intelligent manner of discussion and debate im open to be challenged on anything as i too am always learing and improving. No one is perfect but we should always try to be the best version of ourselves that we can.

I always try to keep the journals interesting and fun with pictures and videos and a british sense of humor that im learning most people dont think is funny lol. Im very open minded so people can speak freely in my journals and i encourage participation. The only thing i dont want is too many pictures of other peoples grows as i want this journal at least to focus on the differwnt things im doing.

Im away to work in an hour or so. I will try get a video done of new set up and some pictures of harvest.

Here on the word of a good friend and a much respected colleague Derbybud! Will be watching and learning from the sidelines and I will get caught up today :3

Welcome back Cultivator, plants are happy the have ya ;)
Yes run full strength every feed. Just mix a rez of nutes and let it run. Id have a res that holds enough to feed for 5-7days. Dont worry about run off but a little is fine. Problem is by keeping the coco wet you havea higher chance of getting fungus say you want to try get thise plants taking 3 or 4 litres per day.

You could do a 7 day res. Set your ec and ph and on day 7 top up with water to drop ec. Lets say your res is set at 1.6ec. On day 7 top up the res until ec is 1.2 ec and readjust ph. This means the plants get their nutes but once a weak they get a slightly weaker mix that will prevent salt build up in the coco.

Also be sure to use a product such as drip clean when runnng drippers, it will prevent salt build up in the lines. The last thing you want are blocked and poor flowing drippers. Drip clean works well.

You da man!!! :Namaste:

This is the same advice I got from my buddy who runs rockwool cubes, to top off with water at the end of the week as a precautionary measure. Its always nice to hear consistent info.

The plants are drinking about 3 or 4 L a day now, but I usually feed 2 - 2.5L when lights come on (bc they are dry) and then once more at midday to refresh and re-hydrate. Is my goal to have the medium dry out 50% in between each watering by spreading 4L over 3-4 drip cycles?

Thanks again for all the info! Cheers:thumb:
Hey everyone

Im busy chopping bud as i write this. Its going to be a late one for me. Its 12:20am and its going to be 4am before im done here then another late shift tomorro.

Im busy uploading a vid to youtube now so i will get it on as soon as its finished upload. Its a little rushed soni apologise for that and im not the best camerman but im having a try. Shouldnt take ling before its up. I havent read the last few comments, i just quickly jumped on to give you guys a welcome and update. follow.
Haha too be fair i prefer the pear kopperberg cider. Its like a fruity pear juice but i had to make do with what was in the local shop. Speaking of alcohol we gave just started harvesting our oranges for the suoer market. We have 10000m2 of orange orchards in spain and the fruit is in full bloom now through til the end of february depending on the strain. There are as many strains of oranges as tbere are cannabis, fascinating stuff. We have tangerines, clemantines, big oranges, small oranges, blood oranges, juicy oranges, dry oranges and just orange oranges! Its a lot of fucking oranges! Fortunately a pay a group of local farmers to come harvest thèm all and pack them in crates to go to markets. We are going to try and make some form or alcoholic beverage but not sure what yet. I know one thing, all i have on my mind right now is harvests lol
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