yeah send me it. im writing a book and its taking way longer than I thought it would but only because im a perfectionist and its not about money, its about doing it right. I don't need money and thats not my motivation. If you understand how many plants ive grown then it makes sense im financially sound. growpotcheaply learned from me! He was on my earlier journals here and I taught him the basics, he went on to do his own thing which is good.
Im not so egostitical to say im number 1 in the world with coco growing but I tell you this, there isn't many people in front of me. Its not even a pissing contest, its just fact. I love what I do and im constantly evolving and learning also. there are people on this forum who know me in the real world who I think didn't have a clue at what I really know. Im a nerd at heart and im passionate about what I do.
I give so much away for free and I think its only right that I do something with the knowledge ive acquired over the years that has a little financial return. im not greedy but no other trade would just give away ll their secrets and skills for free.