you dont need to use voodoo and mykos all the way, its a waste of money. once they are added they are alive and thriving providing the root environment is healthy. Just add carboload or molasses or similar too feed the beneficials.
R.E. Humidity.
I used to drop my humidity low towards the end of flower but in most cases i see an inferior product once dropped below 40%. not every time but the whole plant is healthier with between 40-50% humidity. I was adamant on lower humidity until i moved to spain. I started get just nicer buds and the only diff was the higher humidity. for years i dropped it low. now i finish between 40-50% depending on the size and density of buds. Heat and moisture def dont work well together though. Also ive had bud rot regular at 25-30rh so lower humity doesnt mean no mould. Bud rot is the bane of my life and in last several years ive had like 6 or 7 grows wheres theres been zero mould. but its harder to spot in larger rooms and if buds are huge. sometimes you dont know until you harvest if its only on just starting and is on the stem.
R.E. Humidity.
I used to drop my humidity low towards the end of flower but in most cases i see an inferior product once dropped below 40%. not every time but the whole plant is healthier with between 40-50% humidity. I was adamant on lower humidity until i moved to spain. I started get just nicer buds and the only diff was the higher humidity. for years i dropped it low. now i finish between 40-50% depending on the size and density of buds. Heat and moisture def dont work well together though. Also ive had bud rot regular at 25-30rh so lower humity doesnt mean no mould. Bud rot is the bane of my life and in last several years ive had like 6 or 7 grows wheres theres been zero mould. but its harder to spot in larger rooms and if buds are huge. sometimes you dont know until you harvest if its only on just starting and is on the stem.