Critical Jack & Dark Devil Auto Cross

Thanks Beam! Looks like it may take a while and reminds me of the spring I use sometimes that is closer to home. It has 6 spigots but takes about 10 minutes to fill that 7 gallon jug AND there is always a line so it takes up to an hour to fill 3 jugs. I love the mountain spring, setting is amazing and so is the water! Off ruins into a nice trout stream.
Hello everyone, I wanted to drop some photos of today's visit to the tent. This is twenty minutes after lights on. Five CDDs, three older plants and two seedlings. Then there is shrek. Still waiting on the JW/PM cross to pop. I dribbled a few ounces of water around the pots of the three bigger plants like Darkscotia did in his journal two days ago. Top of soil is getting light but the bottom part of the pots still have a little weight. Not much though. Probably water at the latest by next weekend.

I tested out a training technique i noticed might work. By bending down the top five bladed leaves until i can hook it behind the node directly below which is technically 2 nodes down. I don't need to secure it by other means, the plant is holding it down by itself. I know this will only hold for a few hours but that's ok. I'll do it again tomorrow.
This picture shows it better, upper leaf tucked behind lower leaf and will hold it down for a few hours so the new tops get priority lighting access to encourage them to grow. I consider this method part of LST or Low Stress Training.
Another training example to encourage all four tops in this picture to catch up with each other. I even gently pull the smalls tops open. Like stretching their wings.
For anyone who has heard about and was curious about micro-topping. Last week i removed one top from between those leaves... create this, two tops.
After i was done tucking and stretching, i rearranged them in their new seating assignments and let them enjoy the lights.
Thanks for stopping by.
Transplant. They're still building roots, so we want to encourage it at this stage. :) Have they greened up from the last pics?
Thanks Beam! Looks like it may take a while and reminds me of the spring I use sometimes that is closer to home. It has 6 spigots but takes about 10 minutes to fill that 7 gallon jug AND there is always a line so it takes up to an hour to fill 3 jugs. I love the mountain spring, setting is amazing and so is the water! Off ruins into a nice trout stream.
So wait ppl just line up at the spring like the local watering hole?
Transplant. They're still building roots, so we want to encourage it at this stage. :) Have they greened up from the last pics?

Perfect thank you. Yes, they greened up nicely.

Does this sound right? I’m going to mix 6ml per gallon of water to pour in a bucket and drench/dunk them, that enough Trans or should I double it?
Yep, you can double up for a soak. So 1 ounce per 5 gallon is 6 ml per one gallon, and double would be 12ml per one gallon of water. Exactitude is unnecessary - somewhere in that range.

Hello everyone, How is everybody? Thanks for the help so i get things done right. I believe they are about ready for their first brix spray too. They have five nodes of a minimum of five bladed leaves. I'll do that in a few days. I bought the grow a few goodies. A new weather station that gives temp and humidity inside and outside.
Nice screen on it.
I replaced my 4'' carbon filter with a new 6" filter. Big difference in size and weight between the two.
I thought the negative pressure in the tent was bad before the filter swap, the tent is super tight now. The fan is a 330 cfm and im sure it's operating closer to that number with a the 6" filter paired with a 6" fan. I'm going to have to put in a 8" intake duct instead of 6" to allow more air in which should ease the tent pressure. my 5x5 is now a 4x4 because of the "suck". I believe the tent is now exchanging its own air capacity twice a minute.

The bigger three are ready for water. Pots are super light,
Close up before drenching. I did 12ml of Trans and .5 ml of Tea per gallon of water i was going to use to drench.
All done and put together so i can go to bed. Did some light training to keep the lower tops coming up.
I hope they respond well to the drench and get a growth spurt. I have one little CDD seedling doing well and planted two new CDD seeds. May get a JW/PM to to live. Have one potential.
Wanted to show the difference of before and after of drenches. First photo is Wednesday evening at tent opening. I only did the three bigger plants.
This photo is after drenching and training Wednesday.
This one is Thursday evening 24 hours after drenching.
I was hoping for a growth spurt and did get a nice one. I am excited to see how they have done 72 hours afterwards. I will go down to the garage in a bit and post more pictures.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday evening. I am resting from a long day at a major amusement park yesterday. Four hours driving round trip. Fun day with family. I am in the garage to check on the tent and was really surprised at the explosion of growth 72 hours after a drench. :ganjamon:

Same angle as the post above. Wow, I think they grew an inch and half in 48 - 72 hours.

This is the next CDD seedling. Still waiting on two more to sprout. No stretching this time so I have learned how to setup the cobs for seedlings to avoid that issue in the future.

The first JW/PM above ground. :roorrip: Bong hit to celebrate.
For those who are wondering about LST(low stress training) their own plants to control shape and size, this how I do it.
I took advantage of the explosion of growth when I started bending and tucking. The top few inches of the plant’s stem are soft and plyable and get stiffer the farther down towards the soil. In the plyable areas you gently bend or shape the stem while supporting the area around the stem from splitting. Just gently work it around until it stays where you want it. I usually tuck it under a lower leaf stem to hold it longer. You can use wire to hold things in place but I am trying without it this year. I do this to control tops and giving time for lower tops to catch up providing a level canopy. I will have to repeat this several times over the coming weeks to maintain shape.

Before, from tonight.
I didn’t even get close to splitting any stem. Just bendable from the growth spurt. The goal of this training is let the lower tops catch up.

Group afterwards.
That's the same thing I do. :high-five:

Beautiful posture on those plants, and I see some good shine. I'd still like to see deeper color if the pics are accurate, but the rest looks great!
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