Critical Comparative: Growing Anything Critical Related? Let's Share Info And Get The Most Out Of Our Grow

Thanks Shed! I've grown enough of them now and I've found that they can really take a beating lol. They also seem to always be the the biggest in the tent but more often than not require less nutes than I would have expected. I can't wait to see @Dutchman1990 grow his out because this is the second time I've grown the 2.0 and the only difference is that this one that I'm currently growing is a bit darker but that is probably because it's cooler in my tent than the last time I grew her.
Thanks Shed! I've grown enough of them now and I've found that they can really take a beating lol. They also seem to always be the the biggest in the tent but more often than not require less nutes than I would have expected. I can't wait to see @Dutchman1990 grow his out because this is the second time I've grown the 2.0 and the only difference is that this one that I'm currently growing is a bit darker but that is probably because it's cooler in my tent than the last time I grew her.

Oh baby am I excited too! The growth on these critical+2.0 is incredible. Super lush and green looking lovely! Maybe I should get some pictures
do one of your famous PIC BOMBS! :)

Pic Bomb


Thanks Shed! I've grown enough of them now and I've found that they can really take a beating lol. They also seem to always be the the biggest in the tent but more often than not require less nutes than I would have expected. I can't wait to see @Dutchman1990 grow his out because this is the second time I've grown the 2.0 and the only difference is that this one that I'm currently growing is a bit darker but that is probably because it's cooler in my tent than the last time I grew her.
cannot agree more on the beating issue. so hardy and strong now. i know mine will dominate the grow room already. am impressed so far and never been a Big Bud fan so this hybrid is hopefully going to sway my thinking

Are you feeding them? Pictures?

What are you feeding them? How much are you feeding them?

How often are you watering? Need a bit more information wolf
Thanks for your help, Im watering them every other day, rain water, I havent fed them anything yet I have canna coca A and B, but as they are so small and I thought there enough nutes in the coco soil, not to feed for the 1st 4 weeks..


  • baby christine 1 day 14.jpg
    baby christine 1 day 14.jpg
    153.4 KB · Views: 43
As its day 25 now shall I give them nutes, if so how much 2.5ml each perhaps? Thanks for your help. Here is a picture of Nancy (Skunk) more yellow than she looks in the pic tho...
why still under domes wolfweed ?? let them breath mate. they will be in their own air choking i should think by now. they need to harden off a little too.
are you ph' ing water u give. sadly rainwater is not the miracle it used to be as it picks up a lot of crap with it too. u need to test the ppm and the ph of it before u even use it to make sure it is ok.
the pics show a new seedling and these can take a while to be able to say they are in veg stage.
The two small rounded leaves and the seedpod they were in , will supply enough food for her needs and her first real meal. This usually happens once she has about 4-5 proper leaf sets and she starts to " eat" those two little rounded leaves. This will show when they yellow and start to curl as used , then its time to feed her first very light meal that you supply in nutes. but overall let her breath now and keep humidity up around 70% of room. dont spray them or anything just small amounts of water.
Coco is an "Inert" media which means it doesn't contain any nutrients or hold on to them for long either. without nutes going in at all , the plants would die once she had eaten those two little rounded leaves. feeding the coco now is pointless as she is still more interested in finding water to drink with her stored meals , adding nutes means she has to cope with the extra food before she can get to the water in it. no different to our own eating and drinking habits in that respect. SHE HAS A PACKED LUNCH WITH HER BUT NEEDS A DRINK WITH IT. I like that as a simplified explaination that i use to grow my girls now. good luck and let is know when u have a journal we can come and join with you . hope this helps
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