What up everybody, heres Super Sonic Cristal Storm. A freebie i had going with my others that you can check outin my signature link. This is my first time growing :)
Update: whilst searching for caterpillars(which had become a daily task) I found bloody mold! 8 days out and I had to cut about 1/4 of every bud off . Only tiny mold sites but I wanted to be safe.

Fear and inexperience got the better of me and a couple of days later I harvested. The badly affected buds went into a water cure and the others quick dry in the drying cupboard. Water change every day and 5 days later I'm pleasantly smashed on what I thought I was going to lose from the rack!

Glad I cut em when I did, probably lost close to half in the end but I'm sure it would've been more had I not! Pulled the water cured buds out tonight and put em on the rack to quick dry. Should be right by this time tomorrow. Anyone have any knowledge on water curing and mold? Still not sure if it kills the spores and makes it safe again? Hope it's ok because even with the weight loss from the cure I'll end up with close to a half pound off the 4 plants when I've spent the last 5 days freaking out every check thinking I was gonna find a ruined crop!

Pics to come!
Sorry grizzly not enough posts to pm. I read about water curing a few days before I saw the mold. Probably on here, search or google will give a better answer than I can. Wouldn't want to give you advice on something that could ruin some bud that I know very little about.
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