Crawdaddy's 4'X4' Grow Tents w/Mars II 240X5W LED

Update on the Hawaiian Snow plant...

flower Day 16, so still early.

I am not liking how she looking, yellowing lower leaves and just not 'green' enough overall. I checked runoff pH, was 6.3, so probably not lock out(water going in was 6.5). I have not been feeding that heavy and biggest plant I had so maybe that it. I gave her a good douse of ferts after testing soil pH, She will get some tea tomorrow. Then going to need to dry out. I soaked her REAL good to get run off. any ideas on her issue would be appreciated?

She did not stretch out as much as I expected, so have room in this tent for a few smaller plants. Will be moving in this weekend as making room in other tent for LED side by side test of different manufacturer LED panels.
odd. sorry I can't help you man. plant looks great besides odd leaf coloring. I would continue your feeding program and see if she works things out herself.
Thanks everyone, I am on the same path as all of you suggested, just staying course for now. My current theory is not feeding enough cause first plant this big using these nutes, the GO nutes.

Who knows it could just be normal yellowing, but seems a bit early for that.

She is going to get pulled out this weekend for a good defol/cleanup.
She wasnt given enough nitrogen pre flower and so is yellowing earlier and faster.It isnt a problem anymore so do not give them nitrogen or the plant will resist flowering. Next grow just give a bit more nutrients before you switch.
She wasnt given enough nitrogen pre flower and so is yellowing earlier and faster.It isnt a problem anymore so do not give them nitrogen or the plant will resist flowering. Next grow just give a bit more nutrients before you switch.

Thanks Joe, yea I did not feed her very hard before switch.
nitrogen deficiency yellowing usually starts from the bottom up because it's a mobile nutrient. when you have yellowing up top it's usually a immobile nutrient issue.

"What are plant-mobile nutrients?

Plant-mobile nutrients are those that are capable of being translocated within the plant. When a plant is deficient of these elements, the nutrient that is already within the plant will be transported to where it is needed most - the young tissues. Deficiency symptoms of plant-mobile elements are observed on the older leaves first. One example of a plant-mobile nutrient is nitrogen. If nitrogen is deficient in a plant, older leaves would turn yellowish first while the newer leaves remain relatively green (Fig. 1). The plant directs the nutrient where it is most needed to prolong the life of the stressed plant.

Examples of plant mobile nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K). Manganese and sulfur are moderately mobile

What are plant-immobile nutrients?
By now, the answer to this question is obvious. Plant-immobile nutrients cannot be translocated from older tissue to a new one due to the nature of the elements and sometimes other conditions. In other words they are stuck where ever they landed the first time. They have reached their destination. Deficiency symptoms for these elements are observed in the young plant parts. Calcium is an example of plant-immobile elements. It plays an important role in cell expansion. When calcium is deficient, the young shoots and flower buds exhibit the devastating effects. If the condition is not corrected the shoots and bud get aborted eventually.

Examples of plant-immobile nutrients are: Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), and Boron (B)."
why are top leaves discoloring then? I hope a real expert comes along soon cause I've only dealt with nitrogen and calcium issues.
Well it is worse on the lower leaves and slowly moving up plant so that is what is making most sense to me at moment.

I am going to try and feed her again tomorrow or Monday.
real, great post lots of good info there.

I think your on the right track, seems logical.
I finally got her out of tent today and did good clean up. Been wanting to do for a while, but still not 100%, working on 1.5 legs. and she is a big pot.

I wanted to water/feed her to try and give a N boost, but she is FAR too wet.

This is flower day 19.

before cleaning up..

some of the leaf problem..

and after clean up...
Hey Crawdad that plant is growing out more than up the tomato cage looks lonely at the top
what week of bloom you in?
hey Crawdaddy, i love that H.S M8!!!
check the runoff Ph and do like you said when a bit less wet, give some N.
the hawaiian snow is stretching almost until half of the flowering time sometime a bit more (depends on Pheno), then needs more N in the first 4weeks of 12/12 than most of the plant i grew.
i would give 50/50 grow/bloom until week 4/5 of 12/12.
i'm sure it will go back to a fine looking very fast.
i rarely seen Hawaiian Snow in a grow journal , a pleasure to look at, thank you.

warm green vibes to you both.
oh, and H.snow loves acidic soil and water , even in soil-less mixes, try to feed with a Ph of 6 max.
hope it helps a bit this sativa queen to give you a nice reward.
and maybe B.Real is right too, could be a micro element, then try to grab some GH "bio-essential" it is so cheap like a few bucks for half a liter and you use a few drops every once in a week or when you just gives Phed water every 2 or 3 feedings.
if i'm not clear just shout and i'll run to explain more clear.
Crawdaddy are you going to be coming back to the 9/11 thread to reply to me from the other day?
Well time for an update been a while, my leg getting better so been working more, about back to normal work wise...

Here is the Hawaiian Snow.

Flower Day 24

The yellowing of leaves is still progressing, but she is starting to smell and buds getting together. I gave her some Grow Big along with her normal GO nutes in a gallon of water yesterday, she still pretty wet. I keep temp about 75-78 so she does not drink all that much, and I really soaked this big pot last Saturday trying to get run off for pH reading. I moved her a bit top side and corner to make room around the left side for some more plants in a week or two.


And here she is after i pulled off most of the worst leaves...
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