How is Pearl's grow going? She is growing a Strawberry Blue like me.
Her SB is growing inside and been battling mites unfortunatly. I will tell her to post some updates on her thread. Her outdoor plants are doing well though, even better then mine in some ways, she did not seem to get the regrow that I am getting.
So here is an update on my outdoor plants.
As mentioned had to buy another 10'X10' greenhouse because not nearly enough room, even then still running out of room vertically. This has been my biggest challenge and I am approaching by super cropping branches. Tried pulling them down but too woody and stopped that after snapping two large branches clean off.
I probably should have done a SCROG or other training system with the two 'Capn Style' plants, did not expect them to grow this tall. Still not seeing any signs of budding on the two Capn Style plants, Crimea blue and Vanilla Kush, the other 3 are showing some VERY beginning buddage though.
All plants have had some SERIOUS defoliation/lower/secondary branch removal, hard to tell in pics so much plant matter.
So enough talk here are the pics...
Greenhouse #1 entrance shot, dominated by the Vanilla Kush....
some Crimea Blue shots...
Here are some of the supercrops, this plant has needed the most probably bent over 15-20 branches so far...
Here are 5 plants(3X Bubblegum, Fruity Chornic Juice and a Strawberry blue) I just moved outside from inside, not enough room for them inside so figured at a minimum start their flowering out there..
Vanilla Kush, this one probably had the most regrow, I pulled out SO many secondary regrow type branches. Still no signs of buds yet, need to get going on that.
Here is the Critical, both it and the Blueberry in ProMix have never been as deep green as I like, been feeding them alot too...
Here is a moth that was chilling, hopefully not laying eggs, never had caterpillar problem before...
Here is a shot of 2nd tent entrance, it a bit lower then first tent cant see much only plant of mine in here is the Blueberry, the other 2 are the g/f's....
And finally the Flowerbomb Kush that has been put in the yard by the fence and an apple tree. It got put out here cause shortest and needed room in greenhouse, it may get moved back into one of the greenhouses if looks like may get attacked by bud rot as buds form, depends on weather....