Ugh, I want to squish your face you're such a grounded positive person. You always give me a 'well shucks' moment and I often need that.
I can't promise no skulls but yes, eventually I'll make it a cozy fun space. In a weird way the skulls remind me I'm not immortal and that I should fucking relax and enjoy the now. Like in 30-40 years I'll be gone and yes while I have mattered to some people I haven't mattered to the universe and I'm pissing away my brief existence that I've been impossibly lucky to get. There's this small scene in Terminator that had a profound influence on my little kid brain. Sarah Connor doesn't know about the future and she just slugging away as a waitress at a shitty Big Boy (Nandos for you, I think?) diner. She's having the Monday of all Mondays when some shitty little kid slips a scoop of icecream into her apron pocket. It's about to push her over the edge when her totally cool 80's friend is walking by and says 'Look at it this way, in 100 years who's going to remember'. I guess I'd never really looked at my life 100 years ahead and realized I would not exist. It wasn't depressing, it just helped me deal with the bad shit better.
That paragraph was deeper than a whales vajoo. Apologies.
The clippers are fucking sex in the hand. They're so perfectly balanced and once I get the blades all tight imma rock some trim, girl.
I dunno about a grow powerhouse. I think I'm really addicted to collecting strains. I'm not even sure if I'm looking for anything specific. I've gone through other types of plants the same way: hostas and pothos, stupid fucking tillansia when that shit got popular here. I fucking want to grow peyote but not for personal use....just because the weird varieties and phenotypes out there (I super suck at succulents so that should never happen just cause I'd kill every single one).
The lights!
@NextLight spoiled me. I keep wandering upstairs to poke my head in the tent to caress and stare at the lights. They just...feel right....solid but not clunky. I also like the idea of the bar light because 1.) more airflow above the lights and 2.) adding more light doesn't mean buying a new bigger flat LED panel light....I can just get one more NextLight bar and hang it with the others.
I do need to ask
@NextLight where the near red and IR light comes from. My other lights you can see the red chips. On these I can't so I assume they've got some ninja tech stuff going on.