constuctive criticism and pro help please


New Member
Well hello again, all my fellow growers. Been away for awhile, ready to show some pics of my babies. Let me know what yall think. Growing outside, and i tell ya the only bad thing about growing outside, is the BUGS! resilient little fuckers they are. Heres a couple pics, any suggestions on how to cure these problems, or any constructive criticism on how my plants look are welcomed thanks brothers and sisters.
Hey your plants look great !!
Nice camo btw!
I started an outdoor grow as well. My plants are near some raspberry bushes and had a severe infestation of critters the first three weeks.
I got some neem oil from the flower shop and sprayed the entire plant once a week for 3 weeks and now I a pest free!!
If you roll with the neem oil though you wanna be sure you spray it early in the morning (sunrise if possible) because its oil based and will burn the leaves if sprayed mid day. The sun will heat up the oil and the plants dont like that. If I were you I would spray EVERYTHING you can that is surrounding you plants so the little bastards dont hop over from other vegetation you have growing around them. Within a couple weeks of applying you should notice a difference. Be sure to get under the leaves too. Good luck and happy growing!
HAPPY 4th BTW too!
Keep at it lookin good n not just saying.... Then plants are alive and well showing vigor , keep on yer bug issue n you will do fine :) I look forward to updates! Also thanks to your journal I found raisingcain's journal! Namaste!
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