Cons Outdoor Auto Lake Grow #2

:bravo: to get through all of that and live to tell the tale!
thanks Shed i think the worst part of it was seeing lots of children (way to many) in there getting chemo when i was there but i did make them laugh quite a bit
It's terrific to be able to bring your sense of humor to others in spite of what you're going through.
its got to be harder being that young & for the parents so make em smile & laugh & just to let them talk & have someone else listen to them
You're a rockstar, Con! Well done for surviving all of that :love:
Thanks Carmen got lucky with my Docs, oncologist & Urologic oncologist only 2 UO docs in canada capable of doing this operation & 1 was in the city here, my lymph nodes that swelled up where one of the most sevear cases ever seen, my operation was video'd and is still currently used to educate UO students & doctors so i'm kinda famous Lol!
Thanks for the link con, and wow. Damn. Glad you’re okay!
Hey Jon thanks hope things are settling down for you, i lost 25lb in the last 18 months fam doc did a bunch of tests and all where negative even their cancer screening tests so i haven't been back to cancer care for 5-6 years so they're going to do a few checks i dropped from 145ish to 122 but back up to 132lb in the last few months, i feel good no cigs since jan 26th i'm pretty sure i know what the problem is, glad you found your way over all packed & ready to start this grow
I just read that the Manitoba government is planning to end the ban on home growing, have you heard anything about that?
i have not heard anything about it, the new premier been here for 6 months or longer so might be a while before he gets to it probably take care of it a few month before the next provincial election, i'm sure it would make a few folks here happy i'm legal so not really paying attention
i have not heard anything about it, the new premier been here for 6 months or longer so might be a while before he gets to it probably take care of it a few month before the next provincial election, i'm sure it would make a few folks here happy i'm legal so not really paying attention
I just read that it's planned for this year's legislative session.
Glad to hear you don't have to worry about it though.
I just read that it's planned for this year's legislative session.
Glad to hear you don't have to worry about it though.
i hope they do! it would make a lot of ppl happy & less police resourses & time being wasted, i know that that some groups & politicians here are trying to allow addicts hard drug use in our hospitals whether they're a patient or not, don't know if they're are handing it out like BC i hope not
i hope they do! it would make a lot of ppl happy & less police resourses & time being wasted, i know that that some groups & politicians here are trying to allow addicts hard drug use in our hospitals whether they're a patient or not, don't know if they're are handing it out like BC i hope not
Con what do you mean "handing it out like BC"; and allowing addicts "hard drug use" in hospitals?
Con what do you mean "handing it out like BC"; and allowing addicts "hard drug use" in hospitals?
BC decriminalized possession of small amounts hard drugs, and they were planning a "safe supply" program to cut down on the number of overdoses from stuff contaminated by fentanyl.
I don't remember if the ss program ever got started. There were definitely legal roadblocks.
BC decriminalized possession of small amounts hard drugs, and they were planning a "safe supply" program to cut down on the number of overdoses from stuff contaminated by fentanyl.
I don't remember if the ss program ever got started. There were definitely legal roadblocks.
Which hard drugs?
Which hard drugs?
All of them I think, except maybe fentanyl. It was supposed to be like Portugal, where drugs aren't criminalised, but are treated as a public health issue.
It worked really well for Portugal.
The BC gov't is talking about rolling back on it though.
The safe injection sites are mostly run by volunteer organizations, and they weren't getting government funding (although that may have changed). The police left them alone because they kept the dealers away, and didn't take any part in providing or administering the drugs. They just kept watch and called emergency services if there was an overdose, administered narcan when it became available to them, and disposed of needles safely.
There was an immediate drop in needles found in public parks, and overdoses in alleys and such.
Con what do you mean "handing it out like BC"; and allowing addicts "hard drug use" in hospitals?
Hi Carmen the province of British Columbia was having a large amount of ppl overdosing with tainted drugs, herion meth crack & so on cut with fentenal & other chemicals so the provincial government & certain groups opened safe injection/smoke sites where you could get your dope tested for purity then that lead to we'll give you a safe site to use & sign up & we'll give you free clean drugs from herion meth crack & opiods which didn't help the addicts quit or stop overdosing the overdoses increased 300-400% & the # of addicts doubled there are documentries about it just google Hastings street vancouver overdoses, then the hard core addicts with a high tolernce started getting their free drugs ( a magnitic id strip card & the drugs where in a vending machine like for chips & chocolate bars style) couldn't get the high they wanted to (pure fentinal) started to sell the free herion meth crack & opioids to buy their fentinal but since small amounts where decriminalised (2-3 grams) are now shooting up or getting their fix in public areas such as kids parks parks school zones & resterants everywhere crime rose deaths rose od's rose just a sad dirty scene now these ppl are pushing for allowing addicts to get high in hospitals now say these addicts get hit by a car while tripping now they can get high while recovering putting patients staff & public in possible harms way of violence & what ever, these groups & government parties made things worse for the public & the addicts who actually want help
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