Cons Indoor Auto Soil Grow 3.2 Late Bro Grow

Thanks Con....We are busy getting the last minute gifts packed up this morning.
That’s the team I need come harvest season :rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good afternoon folks hope your day & upcoming weeks is awesome,
end of week 14 & almost done this grow the DK is pretty well done & probably be chopped by Christmas day or boxing day she is sticky i watered her yesterday so we'll see if she's slowed down maybe 1 more feeding,
the BS is getting big & buds are filling out weirdly nice Lol! most are anyways but she's like a sticky trap you brush up against her & even after a shower the next day your arm is still sticky but still might be a few weeks out yet i'll check trichs in a day or 2,
the Grape-Nesia is massive at 36''x42'' at the top canopy & stands 42'' tall & building some seriously thick buds & probably be done some time in a week or 2 the same time around as the BS she's still pushing out pistils so she's still bulking up, i had to tie up some branch's as they are leaning good i might even have another flopper which should give me some street cred around the Flop Counsel Table Lol!, Merry Christmas Folks have a good one

That DK is looks damn good it's my fav,but I just still don't know about that banana spear it is def very weird,can you post a top down of banana spear when u have time ? I just curious
Thanks i'll get a top shot soon
the Mac n Cheese,
so #4 is down & another all day job
Congratulations on the end of another beauty con, not to mention the final haul on the MCM. :welldone:and also nice to have scheduled that harvest break after a solid day of trimming! ;)
i con hear by submit this Mac n Cheese Auto for judgement for acceptance to a seat on the Flop Counsel, as you are the founder & President/CEO/Human Resources i will accept & respect your final judgement no matter the decision on this matter, Thank You
Too funny con. Your photo has been submitted to the Flop Council for consideration. I'll certainly vote "aye!"
Not sure if I'm on the committee but I'm a definite :thumb: on that.
yeah gotta love the 80's carpet, rent is going up so i got to start to ask for new carpet that was promised to me 20 years ago Lol!
I can just hear the conversation now: "What the hell? You just got a new roof!"
i might even have another flopper which should give me some street cred around the Flop Counsel Table
Your flop cred is on fleek con.
So i'm starting to prep to get winter grow #2 started & i pulled apart the Mac n Cheese pot to check the roots & found some nice roots a lot of the busted off while removing the soil, the other 3 pots i took apart look similar






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