Cons Indoor Auto Soil Grow 3.1

so i like to use a vape for my weed & seen this @MagicStone on here as a sponser for a while & thought what a neat idea but probably works mediocre if at all, it actually works good & tastes better than my solo II does took a few tries but damn you can get some nice hits Thanks @MagicStone just delivered

Absolutely love my @MagicStone and my 83 year old Mother enjoys it too. CL🍀 :hookah:
Absolutely love my @MagicStone and my 83 year old Mother enjoys it too. CL🍀 :hookah:
yeah i like it so far i can get one big hit now but every once in a while i get not much but usually when that happens i tamped it down to much glad Mom likes it :thumb:
yeah i like it so far i can get one big hit now but every once in a while i get not much but usually when that happens i tamped it down to much glad Mom likes it :thumb:
She has COPD so smoke is out of the question and she likes the M.S. but says that it burns her lungs when she gets too big of a hit. Idk why cause it’s vapor but she has to take little hits. CL🍀Edit: but I have coughed like 💩 after a big hit.
Caveat: I’m in coco and. Coco will leach Ca and Mg. In soil, I would certainly not use it at the same rate. Important distinction I failed to make in the first post. That said, when I grew in soil using nutes, once they were in flower I used it every other feeding or so. Like Nick said, the extra source can’t hurt to have. But you sure seem to make it work without it.
Thanks @Jon new light seems to be a improvement & they like it, i just started to use a calmag product & has iron in there i noticed last grow a bit of yellowing on a few plants & my FB stunted (this grow) went yellow over night so didn't know if it was from when i gave it to much light & burned it but gave it some calnesium last feeding & it seems to be getting some green back in it & a few other plants where getting some yellow but have seems to of stopped with the recent feeding with it, i put in 4ml per gallon you think i should use that amount every feeding or 2ml each feeding or 4ml every other feeding ? kinda new with this stuff, yeah i think i got lucky not using it but was using new soil each time untill this seasons grow which i reused so that might have something to do with it, thanks for popping in & would like to hear your opinion about how much & how often to use this calnesium the manufactor says to start to use in flower at 4ml per gal for autos

Phew! I had some catching up to do. Looks like you’re having too much damn fun @con. The plants look great. The setup looks great. I like your side light methodology there, a bit different than the way I do it. Very interesting. And the SF is a big upgrade, nice grab there. You’re rocking and rolling, nice work! I will say this: you appear to have taken all the fans you can on all those plants. I wouldn’t take another leaf. You might get larger buds in the future if you keep a lot more fan leaves, that’s what I’ve found. Excellent training, excellent flat canopies. You learn fast con. It’s fun to watch.
i'm guessing you're talking about thr Fat Bastards, no i did no defol on those except the 2 lowest set of fan leaves on both plants & thats it, both plants where kinda fucked up since they hit the soil thats why one is labeld Fat Bastard Mutant & the other Fat Bastard stunted & very minimal with the rest if any, Thanks for popping in
She has COPD so smoke is out of the question and she likes the M.S. but says that it burns her lungs when she gets too big of a hit. Idk why cause it’s vapor but she has to take little hits. CL🍀Edit: but I have coughed like 💩 after a big hit.
i find with the bigger hits the vapor is a bit hotter when inhailing so thats probably it
I think you have that backward. Coco will retain coco and magnesium, leaving it unavailable for the roots. That's why folks in coco add more than folks in soil or peat-based will.

Might want to check that with whoever came up with your nute mix.
Hi Shed i was thinking about asking but kinda felt you usually have enough going on & i didn't want to be a pest BUt i figured (dummy guess) with 2-0-0 it would just bump up the N a touch & no harm done but whats your opinion if you don't mind me asking, the future Harvest feed schedule says none in veg & week 1-2 of flower 2ml/gal & weeks 3-8 flower 4ml,gal or will it bugger up the custom mix? i was going to go with 3ml,gal water per feeding ? using their auto flower schedule



Can you repost your current formula (I don't hang on to those once I post them) and I'll see what a good bump would be?
or would you need the true anylise for the micro, grow & bloom to recalculate with the calnesium & we did not use the bloom
If you're seeing a Ca or Mg deficiency, you can add up to 2ml of Calnesium, but you don't need it like Jon does because he's in coco and you're in soil. Personally, I don't see anything in your indivudual plant pics that indicated a need to bump them, but you see them in person.
Thanks Shed i appreciate the help, the FB that i burnt went yellow overnight so figured it was a nitrogen or iron def or just stressed from the burn & figured this calnesium wouldn't hurt heres the FB as of a few minutes ago, back left corner & a few of the other plants in the 5'x4' some of the lower larger fans are fading not all just a few here & there

If you think the plant is eating the N from the lowers too early in flower, I would just bump the FH Micro to 7.8. That takes you from 157ppm of N to 165, and raises the Ca from 95 to 103.
Thanks again Shed, so discontinue the calnesium & bump up the micro a bit, i'll try bumping up the micro next feeding if they look like they need it and if the FB is still yellowing i'll mix up a seperate batch & keep the rest feed as usual, Thanks again for your help
Thanks again Shed, so discontinue the calnesium & bump up the micro a bit, i'll try bumping up the micro next feeding if they look like they need it and if the FB is still yellowing i'll mix up a seperate batch & keep the rest feed as usual, Thanks again for your help
The FH Micro has both N and Ca in it, so unless you're seeing a Mg deficiency (intervein yellowing followed by brown spots), you don't need more of that. And if you did we could just bump the epsom salts.
The FH Micro has both N and Ca in it, so unless you're seeing a Mg deficiency (intervein yellowing followed by brown spots), you don't need more of that. And if you did we could just bump the epsom salts.
Thanks again & written down in my little book for future use :thanks:
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