Conradino23 Keeps On Keeping On Outdoor & Indoor Using LOS/High Brix Methods

UD harvest pics! I need to get another one tomorrow and I'll almost have finished chopping my outdoor plants :)

Yeah quite frosty. Should be some nice smoke :)
Bo I didn’t unfortunately. I don’t have space to keep mums.
It's not a huge deal... really I have 10k seeds or more. I takes about 10-20 seeds to find Boom or Chem again. Nothing I'm worried about :smokin2:
A long overdue Drive-by...

Congrats on the harvest.. Hope she smokes as well as she looks....
I harvested my UD from the northern slope and I peeked at CG72... a male, he’s growing balls as we speak. I might harvest pollen and send it to people who wanna play with it.
Congrats on another harvest.

I guess timing is good. Getting cold at night there Con?

We had some frozen puddles the other night. That changes a lot of stuff growing here.
Hey man! Not really cold yet, nights have been around 12C or 53-54F so far... nothing that could hurt the plants.
Yeah 12C is good. We just had that one night and that's it but its enough.

Now the rainy season is here so rain from like 9am till noon every day. Soon it will be snow from 9 to noon. Perfect. lol

Fall and spring are my favorite times to grow weed.
It's gonna take a bit before I see any snow here. Maybe in December or January, but with temps steadily rising here I see less and less snow every year. I'm not a big fan in general, but winters have been really mild for the last couple of years here.
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