Conradino23 Keeps On Keeping On Outdoor & Indoor Using LOS/High Brix Methods

I really only have a few people that know about me growing cannabis.

Don't let anybody know where you're growing unless absolutely necessary. There's not a shittier feeling after having to prematurely close your op and have a big list of suspects that caused you the grief. Even when it's legal, I won't make myself a target. Knowing that you CAN grow is a lot different than knowing where you DO grow.
Don't let anybody know where you're growing unless absolutely necessary. There's not a shittier feeling after having to prematurely close your op and have a big list of suspects that caused you the grief. Even when it's legal, I won't make myself a target. Knowing that you CAN grow is a lot different than knowing where you DO grow.

Oh ya that's like rule #1. Even people I trust don't really know where I grow. I know someone that was murdered for a garbage bag full of shit trim. . . It's crazy how much people value this plant... Easy to grow... I guess murder is easier. :(
Because they will tell their friends, and their friends, and so on. , , , pretty soon the wrong person hears even if the talker was with good intention. A beautiful plant, one to be fond of and look to because of it's intrinsic beauty and the fact that it will get you high as fuq. . . it can drive people the wrong way. . .
When the time comes I become a fig thief :)
Don’t telly anyone unless it’s a trusted friend or family.
It also happens. Being ripped off feels worse sometimes than getting yr grow busted by le.
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