Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

..... I told him i was seeing a brightening followed by a dimming that would periodically go from dim to bright and back to dim.
...... She ask me to disconnect the dimmer, saying they had seen some issues with the dimmers on that unit. She guided me through the process and as soon as I disconnected the dimmer the lamp got very bright,

hey @gr865 I've had two external dimmers do a similar thing by blinking every few minutes. .
I just flipped the Wagos open and disconnected them and haven't seen any problems since.
I hardly ever used them. I go full light and raise or lower them.
hey @gr865 I've had two external dimmers do a similar thing by blinking every few minutes. .
I just flipped the Wagos open and disconnected them and haven't seen any problems since.
I hardly ever used them. I go full light and raise or lower them.
I am going to disconnect the new dimmer I got, It still looks dim. Will let you know.
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