Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

Hello all, hope you and your gardens are doing well. GrassFire OG day 48 of flower.


Icookie day 38 of flower. Peace all, OG

Ive just found this thread like a day ago. YES YES YES!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!! 500 pages of PURE DELICIOUSNESS! I got stuff to look each morning when i drink my first cup of coffee for the next couple of weeks!

Not to mention the Creme Dela Creme Thread.... im melting here guys... !!!

These are my honeys.... I wasnt expecting much from them when i first got these seeds. They are Seedsmans Mama Mias (freebies).. But they turned out to be the best plant ive grown this season. Vigorous, sturdy and packed with resin. The smell is very very fruity, with a hint of pineapple and berries in the background. Highly recommend it.

These are the two i have indoors. 3 are up in the mountains all purple and packed, waiting for the chop in a week or two.

#5 is a really cool picture, CM

Thanks Mi!:thanks: She's starting to purple up nicely with the colder weather now setting in. I'll be posting some pre-harvest photos in the next week or so!:cool:

But until then, here's a few pics. I just took of a cool looking green cricket taking a stroll around her flowers.:eek:

Thanks Mi!:thanks: She's starting to purple up nicely with the colder weather now setting in. I'll be posting some pre-harvest photos in the next week or so!:cool:

But until then, here's a few pics. I just took of a cool looking green cricket taking a stroll around her flowers.:eek:


Dang, there goes photo of the month already :goodjob:
love this last pic
CM I call that a Katydid. Great looking plants everyone.. Keepem Green
Awesome! Respect.
And I’m amazed to see what can be grown in a smallish, unfancy , round, plastic pot. I might reconsider my plan to order more expensive ‘Airpots’ or whatever they’re called and just use the ones like you have grown that lovely lady in. Thanks, C.M!
there is a cheap simple trick to air out the soil.... put a layer of straw on the bottom of the pot, and then another layer in the middle, and then another layer on top. The layer on bottom should provide drainage and oxygen...the middle layer will retain moist and give oxy to the roots, and the top layer will protect the medium from overheating.

now create holes around and around of the pot in the same lvl than middle straw layer, and bottom layer.

Ta da!

gl ;)
this outdoor lemon skunk keeps giving me reasons to pull out my camera

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