Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya


Little under a month to go
Ever heard Coke can leach the calcium out of your bones? That calcium isn't ionic and calcium IS a metal. Question what is false knowledge first.

Anything you believe to be true, But its NOT

EDIT: I am not taking sides on the
"flush or not to flush" only pointing out its GOOD to look into it as best we can
and Never say Never
This is the description that advanced nutrient gives

Flawless Finish contains a broad range of ingredients known as "chelates."
Chelates are like chemical "claws" that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.
Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Flawless Finish/water solution.
Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.
By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.

What do you know about chelates? I've been using flushing products over the years and have done side by sides to see what they actually do. They make the flowers test very low in metals and very minimal amounts of nutrient. Sorry I'm not as scientific as you guys, I built my recipe over the years and have done more side by sides than anyone I know. Couldn't afford to go to school, but I am a scientist/botanist/horticulturist at heart.

Picture to keep the thread going :)
Jedi Northern Lights x Triple OG Kush week 7ish out of 12.


Much love and respect everyone.
This is the description that advanced nutrient gives

Flawless Finish contains a broad range of ingredients known as “chelates.”
Chelates are like chemical “claws” that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.
Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Flawless Finish/water solution.
Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.
By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.

What do you know about chelates? I've been using flushing products over the years and have done side by sides to see what they actually do. They make the flowers test very low in metals and very minimal amounts of nutrient. Sorry I'm not as scientific as you guys, I built my recipe over the years and have done more side by sides than anyone I know. Couldn't afford to go to school, but I am a scientist/botanist/horticulturist at heart.

Picture to keep the thread going :)
Jedi Northern Lights x Triple OG Kush week 7ish out of 12.


Much love and respect everyone.

You are correct as well ,let morons be morons
I'm just trying to learn some of the chemistry, not trying to argue anymore. No need to have pissing contests over plant theory.
This is the description that advanced nutrient gives

Flawless Finish contains a broad range of ingredients known as "chelates."
Chelates are like chemical "claws" that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.
Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Flawless Finish/water solution.
Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.
By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.

What do you know about chelates? I've been using flushing products over the years and have done side by sides to see what they actually do. They make the flowers test very low in metals and very minimal amounts of nutrient. Sorry I'm not as scientific as you guys, I built my recipe over the years and have done more side by sides than anyone I know. Couldn't afford to go to school, but I am a scientist/botanist/horticulturist at heart.

Picture to keep the thread going :)
Jedi Northern Lights x Triple OG Kush week 7ish out of 12.


Much love and respect everyone.
Show off. . . .
Got called out again and rightfully so for strayin off topic. This is a perfect example of my addictive nature gettin a little ahead of me. Part of my healing process is owning my mistakes and fixin em right away. I do it in my grow and I do it in my life.
This is the description that advanced nutrient gives

Flawless Finish contains a broad range of ingredients known as “chelates.”
Chelates are like chemical “claws” that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.
Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Flawless Finish/water solution.
Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.
By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.

What do you know about chelates? I've been using flushing products over the years and have done side by sides to see what they actually do. They make the flowers test very low in metals and very minimal amounts of nutrient. Sorry I'm not as scientific as you guys, I built my recipe over the years and have done more side by sides than anyone I know. Couldn't afford to go to school, but I am a scientist/botanist/horticulturist at heart.

Ok, I think this is already better here. First off I don't think I am here to convince anyone to drop their style and way of growing they feel comfortable with. I don't want to convince hydro guys to go organic or coco guys go hydro or whatever. Grow in whatever way you like... but if you start tossing some heavy statements that's way different. You can say you believe that might be the truth or it works for you and that's totally fine, but it doesn't make it THE TRUTH. If I'm not sure I usually keep my mouth shut and that comes from experience. If I feel pretty certain about something then I speak. Simple as that.

So what are chelates?

Chelate is any of a class of coordination or complex compounds consisting of a central metal atom attached to a large molecule, called a ligand, in a cyclic or ring structure. An example of a chelate ring occurs in the ethylenediamine-cadmium complex.

Not very straightforward, eh? :laugh: And that's only one of many examples of how complicated biochemistry is and soil chemistry for that matter is. What is important though that these compounds when synthesised can be often VERY TOXIC like EDTA (Toxicity of synthetic chelators and metal availability in poultry manure amended Cd, Pb and As contaminated agricultural soil. - PubMed - NCBI). It's just recently they've started researching those ones that have higher biodegradability like EDDS (Effects of chelates on plants and soil microbial community: comparison of EDTA and EDDS for lead phytoextraction. - PubMed - NCBI), but unless you know EXACTLY what is in your product, you can poison your soil basically.

Obviously you can get lost in jargon and blah-blah-blah, but some things we know FOR SURE due to many centuries of botanical studies like those ones linked and you have to at least respect the work of scientists, who try to understand what is actually happening in soil, how plants work, how they grow and how they reproduce. Without them you wouldn't have your NPK (it's not a belief, it's science and it's called Mendeleev's Periodic Table)

Well, I'm very sorry to say, but one of these FACTS is that plant doesn't release nutrients back to soil during their life cycle (when they get composted that's another thing). What plants do and cannabis does too is they release so called root exudates, which is THE BASIS of organic and High Brix growing (more here: Root Exudation and Rhizosphere Biology | Plant Physiology). However there are two thing that plants release in the air on a daily basis: oxygen and moisture... and cannabis obviously releases the terpenes, that's it really. To do it plants use so called stomatal apertures via stomata on the surface of their leaves, which is why foliar feeding works (yes, that's science, not a myth for example).

Ok, I hope I answered some questions here... and no hard feelings flushers, you'd be amazed how many High Brix growers used to flush and they don't anymore and they ACTUALLY THINK THEIR WEED TASTES BETTER. No really, just ask them :passitleft:

Or even better, ask Doc why his plants look like that if he doesn't flush?

Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

That's a very complex way of thinking about it. Ill try it in layman's term. We can all agree that the stuff we use to feed our plants whether it's chemical or organic is generally pretty foul, we wouldn't drink it and we sure as hell don't want to smoke it. We can also agree that when a plant is defecient in something, then it dosent have that something. Which means you won't be smoking that something because it's not there. And that's what flushing does, it gets rid of the nutrients in the medium, or most of it, all of it? Even if it was just a little bit of it, and it forces the plant to use what it has stored, into make sugars ect, therefor leaving you with a bud that dosent have excess stored nutrients that I wouldn't want to smoke. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what makes sense to me in my head.
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