Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya


Absolutely beautiful...


Absolutely beautiful...

And for the record she's not mine...I wish...LOL. Came from CareStalkers post #7665

But this is the best pictures I've seen on here...IMO.
35 days into flower electric avenue 2 weeks flower left then 10-14 flush - done . can't wait

Damn already? :high-five: Time is just flying by lately. Beast makes me chuckle every time I see it. Wish one of the guys would hit one of those up here lol. I think you have a one of a kind.

this is a Crop King White Cookies.
One of the healthier plants I have grown that is still totally lush green at 6 weeks.
However it is WAY behind on trichome production.
She was real slow out of the starting gate. She might end up outside to finish if I need space in the flowering room.


this is a Dutch Passion Glueberry OG at 6 weeks
also a little behind on trichomes, but not alarming



and this is a Seedsman CBDSharkShock started 12/12 from seed at 6 weeks
started showing hairs at 4.5 weeks

this is a Crop King White Cookies.
One of the healthier plants I have grown that is still totally lush green at 6 weeks.
However it is WAY behind on trichome production.
She was real slow out of the starting gate. She might end up outside to finish if I need space in the flowering room.


this is a Dutch Passion Glueberry OG at 6 weeks
also a little behind on trichomes, but not alarming



and this is a Seedsman CBDSharkShock started 12/12 from seed at 6 weeks
started showing hairs at 4.5 weeks

That looks great!
Lookin good man 1st grows dnt go to bad always lol wat nuts u used

I used GH 3 part series with Calimagic unsulfered molasses and unfiltered honey. I have 12 photos but their buds are camera quality or size yet. This is my second grow up north.
Side by side of my green cracks.. the 2nd picture's leaves were almost crispy feeling, darker, and had a waxy look to them, and definitely not as much trichome production, any idea what would cause this
Yeah im using grow bloom bye gh n armor si with floral licious at the end using some over drive n they are 6 plants in a 50 gal res but Obvisly only filled up hlf n 4 calmag using epsom salts wen needed but n im only under a 150 qat hps veged with t 8 but i want to use advance nuts but dnt kno witch one to chose from so far the cheapiest stuff got me massive plants 2mnthsworkin on 3
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