Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches) out from a long cure. Getting low. Fall run on the list :)

Ya as we get better we get lazier it comes with Lil girls constantly bring a job to the table once we get it all good and just let grow we don't pay as much attention I sure don't I check for dryness for water besides that I leave them be
Ya as we get better we get lazier it comes with Lil girls constantly bring a job to the table once we get it all good and just let grow we don't pay as much attention I sure don't I check for dryness for water besides that I leave them be

Me also I spend little time with them unless it one of
Those special day with water change or pruning veg plants or whatever !!
Other than that it takes me about five min a day if that ( fill humidifier,add nutrient water to the reservoir which I make mixes In five gallon buckets they last two days or three. So yeah I understand. I have the memories of sleepless nights, thinking the plants were gonna die or the system was gonna Mess up and thenKill my plants.
But after that first grow. I am super comfortable with letting them
Do there thing !!!
A few shots of my organically grown Jilly Bean strain pheno #3 as she begins day 46 of flowering.:blunt:




Is it just me or does colas pictures make you hate your camera too... Ive been dying to ask what your using but im scared your going to tell me it's a cell phone.

No cell phone photos here Twox but just my good ol' Sony Cyber Shot I bought over ten years ago. Heck, I don't even own a cell phone anymore since I only got around two or three calls per month and didn't feel the need to waste the $40.00 bucks that I could be spending on my plants.:laughtwo:
And just for the record, it takes me hundreds of shots to get just one or two good photos worth posting so it's not the best of camera's on the market that's for sure and why I plan to upgrade here in the near future. I'm thinking a new Nikon or Canon EOS possibly. Decisions, decisions!:scratchinghead:
No cell phone photos here Twox but just my good ol' Sony Cyber Shot I bought over ten years ago. Heck, I don't even own a cell phone anymore since I only got around two or three calls per month and didn't feel the need to waste the $40.00 bucks that I could be spending on my plants.:laughtwo:
And just for the record, it takes me hundreds of shots to get just one or two good photos worth posting so it's not the best of camera's on the market that's for sure and why I plan to upgrade here in the near future. I'm thinking a new Nikon or Canon EOS possibly. Decisions, decisions!:scratchinghead:

Glade to know I'm not the only one taking hundreds of pics. I think all my pics would turn out great if it was for me breathing, or blinking or any slight movement that adds that blur effect.. I need something with a tri pod since I seem to be the problem with my pictures. Lol
Ok man. I keep scrolling past this and see it every time. :rofl: I'm naming him George Bush :)

George Bush the Snake Head.... or George Bush the Sideways Monkey Face?? :rofl:

I need more weed!

Edit: Oh hey.. what's a "flaming do" ?..... asking for a friend.
George Bush the Snake Head.... or George Bush the Sideways Monkey Face?? :rofl:

I need more weed!

Edit: Oh hey.. what's a "flaming do" ?..... asking for a friend.

It's when one is sporting the Ghost Rider look with the propane cranked on full. :) Something our local extractors try to avoid.

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