Today has been a 420 kind of a day and some thoughts I thought worthy of discussing
I made my 420th post today! - just so happened to be at Buckshot's place (cheers sir); The game I wanted to watch started at 4:20 this afternoon; and it's winter solstice today - which is as anywhere a big day for me and is 420 warm fuzzy because that means we begin to gain light and growing outdoors is that much closer!
The garden is cruising along the same as it was on Friday although there have been a bunch of twists and turns along the way. One of them being that I did not start cutting yet, mainly due to needing to give a little extra TLC to a recently adopted rescue pound hound that we have inducted in to our family. She has been so afraid but has come a very long way since last week. We will keep working with her and saturating her with security and love and are patiently awaiting that first tail wag and voice.
Earlier this evening when I powered everything up (manually - which will change big time w/ my forever grow room in February)
I noticed a significant degree of translocation in the leaves and setting of the buds. I'll post pictures tom. or the next day and plan to start harvesting the top portions tom eve.
With the change in stature of the leaves and buds, I'm starting to see more formed buds, but many of them are whispy. A bummer, although they are coated pretty good with many small triches and should make good medicine. I'm convinced that two of the biggest factors that limited the productivity and quantity in this grow is the pot size and the combination of not adequately managing enviro conditions with having the light too far away from the plants.
Was this supposed to be a short update?
Lastly, I made a huge mess in the room tonight. I reconditioned and prepped soil and a pot for the little seedling, planted it nicely (soil was 6.5 ph and 500ppm wet), and then knocked it over amidst all the other plants and pots. I 'repotted it' and I think it should live but we'll see.
Best to all of you.