CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

like a group of cute girls just back from a week long beach camping expedition. Their hair is a mess, sand is stubbornly stuck in places it may never get out of
OMG, stop! Stop! Wait, don't stop!! Jeepers E., I can't figure out if should I have a cold shower, or go howl at the moon. I fear if you persist in making 'ugly' sound so incomparably sexy, we'll reach 'scandalous' by tomorrow doing 100mph and still accelerating.
Moving the 27 gallon tub SIPs without wheels was a chore, but it has happened.
I suspect this is one of those events that most of us do one time only. Unless they only have a Lowes nearby and no Home Despot.
These will help a lot. This mistress has her secret weapon built and now the carefree plants don't stand a chance.
I know exactly how they'll feel.
a showroom of big beautiful plants, now able to spread out and achieve their best under this amazing light.
Exciting! This is exciting, right? New ground, strange new challenges and seemingly limitless potential, all over the still-same figure of worship.
Today was frustrating, dealing with Lowe's and their incompetent staff, and their seeming inability to get a custom wood cut order correct or match mounting hardware
It's making me chuckle but for my sleds a few weeks ago I had exactly the opposite experience over exactly the same items and services at Home Despot. Lowe's has become insufferable, their two blocks away handiness be damned, I'll never darken their doorway again. Home Despot plain seduced me.
will soon have custom sleds under every SIP, and with SIPs in every room
Matched up under Uber-LEDs, I gotta say, it is a feeling of raw power and potential the likes I've never known
Here are the new SIPs, with seedlings about to come up. At least the setup is pretty!
Oh wow is it ever.
like the idea of drilling holes in that tube from about 5.5 inches down to where the angle cut begins so that oxygen can get down into the rez at any point.
Yeah, took me a minute or two to sort out which ones I'd added the feature, from those still in need, but I worked it out and they're currently accessible so now it's high on tomorrow's list.
The light level right now is 975 fc or 10k Lux
Any chance you could use 'Photone App' and we could compare PAR and DLI's instead? For anyone reading this who's unaware, they use what looks like a pretty decent algorithm to convert the data from your phone's front cam sensor to PAR. Because I had access to independent spectral analysis data about my individual light's spectrum, and just a two or thre weeks before discovering this wonderful app, as it happened, I was able to create an equation that permitted me to manually convert it to par, =/- 5%, and Photone's numbers lay over my crunched-out figures nearly perfectly.
Someone remind me to
This will be annoying but... :rolleyes:

I think there's an advantage to having the drain hole and the fill pipe on opposite sides of the tote. Particularly with the fill-pipe breathing holes drilled, I believe it will establish an air flow crossing as much of the surface as possible as this is how the DO (dissolved oxygen) gets into the reservoir.👨‍🔬 So I'm reliably told.

My daughter was using a DO meter at work this summer, OMG that thing was amazing and expensive. Imagine all the great tests we could dream up!
So far, these @CoffeeShopSeeds are 100% and we have 3 out of 3 Critical Kush up and above ground. I expect the O. Gelatos to do the same in another day or two. While I suspected that enough moisture was wicking up into the new soil the seeds were planted in, I have been dripping a bit of water from above each day in that general area. I didn't know if they would need it, but old habits die hard. Now that they are up, presumably I will not have to water them again since there is at least 5 gallons in the Rez and the soil is moist.

Critical Kush 1.JPG
Critical Kush 2.JPG
coffeeshopseeds Critical Kush.JPG
I just wanna let the SIP-curious out there, the ones clutching their pearls over a seed planted straight into a 7-gallon self-watering soft pot, know that there's nothing wrong with a little humidity dome on there. I've been using baggies dropped over two crossed wire loops anchored in the soil, or a store-bought cloche. Whatever you like using will do if you feel the need. We're not barbarians here—iconoclasts perhaps, but not barbarians. Right, @Azimuth @Buds Buddy @Emilya Green ?

(Any others... sing out if you're out there)
I just wanna let the SIP-curious out there, the ones clutching their pearls over a seed planted straight into a 7-gallon self-watering soft pot, know that there's nothing wrong with a little humidity dome on there. I've been using baggies dropped over two crossed wire loops anchored in the soil, or a store-bought cloche. Whatever you like using will do if you feel the need. We're not barbarians here—iconoclasts perhaps, but not barbarians. Right, @Azimuth @Buds Buddy @Emilya Green ?

(Any others... sing out if you're out there)
So lolllling!

You know this isn’t a new concept aye?

Like self watering pots have been around since before your great granddaddy was even a tickle in his daddy’s underpants.
yeah 'course. Try to say so often as poss.
It’s a great watering technique. Particularly for the time poor.

I have two self watering pots at my door. They are the two forgotten plants. Without those pots they’d be dead 100 times over.
We're Just putting new plugs and a tune on the old girl. Built not bought, Sugar-plumb. You let me know when you're ready for a new ride.

(let's go with Sylvester Stallone with mirrored aviator shades and a matchstick 'tween his teeth on this one.)
It’s a great watering technique. Particularly for the time poor.

I have two self watering pots at my door. They are the two forgotten plants. Without those pots they’d be dead 100 times over.
For the time poor.... lol. I have to fill the res. twice per day, a gallon the 1st time & about 1/2 - 3/4 gal. the 2nd & the buckets are still bone dry when the lights come back on. This is more like feeding coco than soil. You have to have plenty of time for mixing nutes & feeding plants daily.
there's nothing wrong with a little humidity dome on there. I've been using baggies dropped over two crossed wire loops anchored in the soil, or a store-bought cloche.
I use a soda or water bottle with the bottom cut out. I can leave the cap on or unscrew it depending on what humidity is needed.

You know this isn’t a new concept aye?
The ones many of us are using are built around the design invented in the early 1990's by a tomato farmer in Florida, US.

I have two self watering pots at my door. They are the two forgotten plants. Without those pots they’d be dead 100 times over.
Those pots typically don't have a very big water reservoir so they mostly get watered through the soil like a normal pot with a bit of on-board water storage available. Krissi uses them to great effect.

You have to have plenty of time for mixing nutes & feeding plants daily.
Or go organic. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I use a soda or water bottle with the bottom cut out. I can leave the cap on or unscrew it depending on what humidity is needed.

The ones many of us are using are built around the design invented in the early 1990's by a tomato farmer in Florida, US.

Those pots typically don't have a very big water reservoir so they mostly get watered through the soil like a normal pot with a bit of on-board water storage available. Krissi uses them to great effect.

Or go organic. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Buds reports to have lost patience with God's grow system, LOS. Sounds to me like he's a busy man, so I don't blame him. I'm not a busy man, and I use Maga Crap 2-part synths myself. lol. Although, at the moment, I do mix organics like fulvic, kelp, EWC, root-mycs, frass and dollops of high NPK compost into my matrix before planting, then reapply/innoculate weekly with custom cultured benny and myc mixes. I do this in order to run a less aggressive synth nute sched., and because I'm not emotionally invested in either.

I know many are not convinced soiless-synth grows are benefitted by bennies and fungi, and given what they cost that's wise and fair. My short experience with them, less than a year of weekly inoculations and transplant charges, has delivered results I consider very positive. Results are same as what it's like to feed your veggies worm teas, you know, the next morning always provides a blatant greening-up and growth surge. That's my experience every Tuesday morning after 'Microbe Monday' here at RD420 Indoor Farms. Saturday's decent too after Fungi Friday, though expectedly less so.

Briefly off-topic, but briefly I promise: Are there any other Maga Crap users out there with multi-grow experience using it, willing to talk turkey on the versions/iterations of the all-in-one? If so, please PM, or we can change threads . (My euphemistically named "Current" grow journal found down in my sig would be fine). I'm curious to know if we know the specifics and, failing that, any hunches and suppositions out there.
I really don't want a rehashing of the MC topic here on this thread. The camps are firmly dug in and I am not budging in my opinions either, which you are free to go back and read. After learning their system and seeing how easy it is to screw it up, and because their company never would consider endorsing this forum and could not stand the pressure needed to keep a representative here to answer the many questions that came up, I will not endorse that company or their grow system, although I do freely admit that I use one of their products in my current grows, Sweet Candy. I consider that as their one home run out of barnful of products.

I have found that purely organic works the best, no matter the water delivery system. Organic hydro, organic sip, living organic soil, TLO... as long as the plant is controlling the feeding, it is superior in some way to a synthetic grow, in my humble opinion. Taste tests seem to agree too, so anything you can do to add some organic action to a grow, even a veganic one, would add to the overall quality in some way.

I see nothing wrong with mixing organics in with various synthetic methods, I just wonder how much of it ends up being wasted effort and how many living organisms end up living a life of disappointment, starvation and survival instead of being able to thrive in a totally organic situation. I am sure that to some degree, adding organics does indeed add to the grow. Whatever works, or whatever floats your boat... its all good. Carry on my lovelies, there are 1000 ways to skin a cat.
I use a soda or water bottle with the bottom cut out. I can leave the cap on or unscrew it depending on what humidity is needed.

The ones many of us are using are built around the design invented in the early 1990's by a tomato farmer in Florida, US.

Those pots typically don't have a very big water reservoir so they mostly get watered through the soil like a normal pot with a bit of on-board water storage available. Krissi uses them to great effect.

Or go organic. :cheesygrinsmiley:
You would still have to water just as often. That's the only part I don't like about the SIP's. I was thinking I'd be watering less often because of the res. But I'm watering at least 4 times as much. I mix about 45 gallons per week for just 4 plants. I never imagined a plant could drink so much.
I may try Geo Flora next grow. But then I'll have to bug Em again for her expertise on that stuff. (LOL) I do have unopened bags of it in the closet waiting to be tried out.
We're Just putting new plugs and a tune on the old girl. Built not bought, Sugar-plumb. You let me know when you're ready for a new ride.

(let's go with Sylvester Stallone with mirrored aviator shades and a matchstick 'tween his teeth on this one.)
Yeah. Same concept just a bigger structure. I’ve seen the fab results Buds gets, but it doesn’t suit my grow style. Because I mix in with out I’m lifting plants from bloom/veg areas and back each day.

For the time poor.... lol. I have to fill the res. twice per day, a gallon the 1st time & about 1/2 - 3/4 gal. the 2nd & the buckets are still bone dry when the lights come back on. This is more like feeding coco than soil. You have to have plenty of time for mixing nutes & feeding plants daily.
Sorry just to clarify, I was meaning the self watering pots and my houseplants. A number of my indoor house plants are in them. And back to real growing lol, omg the constant water MJ struggle is real. Mine each take a draining too, and that’s just regular watering. I have waaaaaay too many plants on the go atm. Thankfully I’m not having to water nute mix this grow tho. HG and Em put me on to a slow release nute which has worked well for me so far.

And just to add, Buds, you are growing at master level mate. I’m legit blown away at how great your grow skills have become. You are one of my Top 5 growers. Xo
I really don't want a rehashing of the MC topic here on this thread. The camps are firmly dug in and I am not budging in my opinions either, which you are free to go back and read. After learning their system and seeing how easy it is to screw it up, and because their company never would consider endorsing this forum and could not stand the pressure needed to keep a representative here to answer the many questions that came up, I will not endorse that company or their grow system, although I do freely admit that I use one of their products in my current grows, Sweet Candy. I consider that as their one home run out of barnful of products.

I have found that purely organic works the best, no matter the water delivery system. Organic hydro, organic sip, living organic soil, TLO... as long as the plant is controlling the feeding, it is superior in some way to a synthetic grow, in my humble opinion. Taste tests seem to agree too, so anything you can do to add some organic action to a grow, even a veganic one, would add to the overall quality in some way.

I see nothing wrong with mixing organics in with various synthetic methods, I just wonder how much of it ends up being wasted effort and how many living organisms end up living a life of disappointment, starvation and survival instead of being able to thrive in a totally organic situation. I am sure that to some degree, adding organics does indeed add to the grow. Whatever works, or whatever floats your boat... its all good. Carry on my lovelies, there are 1000 ways to skin a cat.
I totally agree. Not that anyone should be skinning cats tho.


I have never believed in humidity domes. It just weakens the plant and then forces you to harden them off just to be able to handle regular air. I think it is far better to make your plants tough, right from moment #1.
I use them mostly for my outdoor veggies to get an earlier start on the grow season for warm weather crops like cukes and tomatoes. We get frosts as late as mid-may and I like to get the plants growing a bit by then and not have to wait so long. But indoors? Totally agree with you.

You would still have to water just as often. That's the only part I don't like about the SIP's. I was thinking I'd be watering less often because of the res. But I'm watering at least 4 times as much. I mix about 45 gallons per week for just 4 plants. I never imagined a plant could drink so much.
Sure but it's only water and can come directly from the tap so no mixing tubs, no pH meters, etc. And you don't  have to water them as much as you do. You do get bigger plants if you do though as you've seen. It's all tradeoffs. The thing about water in the reservoir being constantly available is you allow the plant to determine how much it wants, which is the same concept as Em keeps hammering home about organics. The plant determines what it wants, when.

I may try Geo Flora next grow. But then I'll have to bug Em again for her expertise on that stuff. (LOL) I do have unopened bags of it in the closet waiting to be tried out.
That'll probably be a short conversation. :laughtwo:

Something about adding a measured amount to the top of the soil every two weeks and then watering in. Oh, and switching to the flower bag after flip. If you've got unopened bags in your closet you almost have to try it. You know, so you're not being wasteful and all that.
(he said while looking at his two bags sitting in the corner for over a year.) :rolleyes:
Sorry just to clarify, I was meaning the self watering pots and my houseplants. A number of my indoor house plants are in them.
I'm converting my houseplants over to them as well. I'm even trying an aloe plant with great results. I always thought they liked a drier soil, the grow label on the plant even said to let it dry out between waterings but I potted up two identical size plants a couple of months ago and the SIP plant is easily twice as big as the other.

It could just be that I really suck at watering and the SIPs are covering for me. :rofl:
I really don't want a rehashing of the MC topic here on this thread.

ZAAP! Ouch... 🥺

Agreed, understood, respected and appreciated, each reasons why I promised my ask would be brief, I acknowledged the discussion did not belong here and then said...
If so, please PM, or we can change threads .
... then suggested my own, and where to find it. Which, is exactly what happened. Nor was this topic the core of the post, thus a person could be forgiven for wondering, was there some other offence I am guilty of?
I really don't want a rehashing of the MC topic here on this thread. The camps are firmly dug in and I am not budging in my opinions either, which you are free to go back and read. After learning their system and seeing how easy it is to screw it up, and because their company never would consider endorsing this forum and could not stand the pressure needed to keep a representative here to answer the many questions that came up, I will not endorse that company or their grow system, although I do freely admit that I use one of their products in my current grows, Sweet Candy. I consider that as their one home run out of barnful of products.

I have found that purely organic works the best, no matter the water delivery system. Organic hydro, organic sip, living organic soil, TLO... as long as the plant is controlling the feeding, it is superior in some way to a synthetic grow, in my humble opinion. Taste tests seem to agree too, so anything you can do to add some organic action to a grow, even a veganic one, would add to the overall quality in some way.

I see nothing wrong with mixing organics in with various synthetic methods, I just wonder how much of it ends up being wasted effort and how many living organisms end up living a life of disappointment, starvation and survival instead of being able to thrive in a totally organic situation. I am sure that to some degree, adding organics does indeed add to the grow. Whatever works, or whatever floats your boat... its all good. Carry on my lovelies, there are 1000 ways to skin a cat.

i like your reply on the nute but am not as comfortable with your definition of organic. not looking for a fight. just pointing out you are just as wedded to a belief system. also not suggesting you change methods or approaches etc.

edit: should clarify i'm mostly jealous lol :cheesygrinsmiley:
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