Did you clear all the plants out so you can eradicate any and all pests? God I hate pests!
I had a couple 'scares' earlier this season. Found some mites on a few plants in the veg area and I did some full Neem dunking to try. I created a little foam pad with a slit cut in it what I can slide around the stem of the plant and flip it upside down and dunk the whole plant in the bucket for full treatment. I would leave them soaking in there with just the pot above the water for 2-5 minutes. Bring it up and let it set away from direct light for at least 24-48 hours. Probably best to have fans blowing on them to try and dry any residual Neem off.
I dunked 2-3 times over a 2 week period and haven't seen any more bugs. I had issues with some leaf burn but they all outgrew that funk eventually. I don't think I would have had nearly the leaf burn if I would have kept it away from direct light for a while.
Will definitely try this technique again....seemed much more effective than spraying. I was thinking of coming up with a way to use a couple 2x4 to suspend the plant on upside down in the neem bath so I don't have to sit there and hold it. I figure it will get each leaf a hell of a lot better than spraying.