CND420's First Quality Grow - White Rhino - Soil - Indoor

Thanks man I could really use this job its not to heavy and somthing I could do with my back in the shape that is already in hell im only 31 and already on my way to being crippled done had surgery and all shit blows but im going stir crazy and broke trying to stay home and wait on disability so piss on it im going back to work if I can the hell with the doctors they just want me to get more pills and see them more so they can make money while I lay up and go broke
Thanks man I could really use this job its not to heavy and somthing I could do with my back in the shape that is already in hell im only 31 and already on my way to being crippled done had surgery and all shit blows but im going stir crazy and broke trying to stay home and wait on disability so piss on it im going back to work if I can the hell with the doctors they just want me to get more pills and see them more so they can make money while I lay up and go broke

Its shit.... have u been waiting on the uk dissability benifit or the us? The british one is a piss take!!! A close close pal of mine 30 years old. Born with one foot facing the wrong way. Had 20 operations basicly one a year the last 10 year shaving bone off his hip to build his ankle bone up. He's on dissabilty needless to say. Well lately he's been getting called into the benifits office trying to down grade his dissability to pay him less money!!! Ridiculos. Then u see tbe fiddlers who walk with a stick that they do not need and have robbed the system for years un challanged
yuppers im an American, proud of it, although our government likes to dick us around and shit, I had an uncle in London never got to go over always wanted to come across and visit but never been able to make it, Ive given up on the diability racket while I feel like i deserve it Ill push through the pain and try to make it a while longer its to big of a pain in the ass working with the disability office
Yea I have buddies like that there is no healing that really in my opinion you'll probably always deal with it... Unless they think it can heal fully.. Might as well do it your way by all means don't stop going to doctor but you know what your capable of and not capable of.. Probably more than they do so just keep doin what you feel is right. What about a job working from home? It's a win,win,win situation because you can stay home and get medicated for the pain, make money online or by phone(it's possible) and be there for the plants!!! Sounds like a dream but I u want it bad enough you can achieve it for sure
diminished light schedule. you are trying to imitate the coming fall and winter season indoors by taking time of light away as does the sun setting earlier and earlier as the growing season wanes.
what you do is one started into flower you knock a 1/2 hour of light off every week untill you get no less than 9 hours of light and 15 of dark. some folks just switch to 10 on and 14 off and be done with it but I have used DLS on my last to grows and got good results. the 2046 I grew last was 120 days of flower but I finished in just above 90 days. dont really know if it hurt the yield but I was happy in the end:)

This sounds like a good method.

I was considering for example... using the runoff water and pouring it back through the plant to lower the PH causing major stress hoping to get more amber trichs at the end of flowing.... It doesn't really sound like a good thing to do... but it did cross my mind.

The DSL thing is probably a better option :) Now that I know about it.
ive had multiple opinions and had surgery last Auguste to remove 5 disks and fuse 2 vertebra im in pain regardless of what I do, only problem is sitting on my ass aint paying my bills and the light company dont care if harvests a month out lol but hey gotta do what you gotta

Take it OUTDOORS !
good luck and good weed cnd:)
a fine weed to you cnd:)
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