Cloning the male plant?

How long Did you vegg them for???

Something like 11~12 weeks. Put the seedlings in the ground May 31st.

how long have they been Flowering..... im assuming a lil while?

They started flowering about July 30th ~ August 1st. It was that weekend that we had them thunderstorms. So, that puts the flowering just under 4 weeks.

i see you stay in Riverside, the ladies must love the HEAT out there!!

Yeeeah. They're really puttin out some fluffy and muffy buds, especially the taller one.

I've been out there talking to both of them, giving them a friendly shake here and there, a bend that way, a bend the other way, kinda like swayin to a slow waltz, ya know :laughtwo:
I dunno about the talkin'

I thinks it's the shakin anna twistin, bendin anna twistin, rockin anna rollin...

Dancin with my plants...I must be nuts.

Fluffin up their colas...

Runnin my fingers through their foliage...

Gettin kinda kinky...


hahaha....u crack me up man.... but i had a question for you.
since uve successfully cloned ur male i figuered ur way could help me but lately i been trying to clone some of my ladies and ive had little success, i cut at 45 degree angle, then in water for 30secs followed by the CloneX rooting hormone into rockwool cubes under two cfl's...its been two weeks and my ladies have no roots or growth yet.?!!! im stumped, and wanna know why im not having any luck...
You're asking the wrong person.

I don't know one type of grow-light from another.

I've heard of Clonex, but, have never used it.

I don't even know if what I have have done is considered "cloning". I'm just trying to keep the dude alive long enough to see if I get any viable pollen out of him **gulp**. If he stays alive long enough to set out roots from the nodes then that's purely incidental.

From what I've read and understand about using cuttings for propagating plants, in general, (cloning...?) it takes a good 2~4 weeks for roots to develop, if they develop at all. Just gotta make sure you've got nodes on the stem for roots to develop from.

I've got 3 nodes in the water. I change the water at least twice a day - more for oxygen content. I use only a small pinch of fish based plant food mixed in, just enough to cloud up the water a little bit. Having the plant food in there is probably meaningless since all the plant is doing, presently, is absorbing/drawing up water and not any nutrients from the plant food.
laladaddy, after you cut the 45 degree angle cut a small slit up the middle of the angle and gently scrape the surface of the stalk a little bit. i let mine soke in ph balanced water for 10 or 15 min. too.
Here's the latest pics.

Some of the nuts look like they've kinda split open or something.

I haven't seen any pollen on the foil yet.



I found a really nice looking picture on the internet of a male Cannabis dropping it's pollen.

It looks like the pollen sacs aren't really pollen sacs after all - they look like little flowers.



Now I know what to look for. :thumb:
I forgot that I had a bucket of Vermiculite out back, so, I went from from just solid water to, you guessed it...Vermiculite.

I've also switched from using that fish based plant food to using my dried Banana Peel Tea/Last Year's Fig Beetle Soup; don't know if that'll make any difference...we'll see.

I figured Dude could use a little sunbath.

I've got a good view of him from my computer. I'm keeping a watchful set of eyes on him, fact I'm looking at him as I type.

He's looking alright. No sign of droopage yet. Been out there for about an hour.

Still cool out. It will be heating up in a bit. Heard it's gonna be about 105+ out here. Got up to 109 yesterday.

Here he is:

Im really impressed my friend, the first pic of him looking all miserable is what i expected, I would also expect him to revert to veg growth and drop all sacs but you seem to have done a bril job!
Looks a nice healthy cutting now, have you looked to see if hes developed any roots, I would have thought so judging by how healthy he looks.
Lol, posted that after only reading the first page, sorry for looking like a forum noob (I am one).
Some great pics on this page, like most people here i imaging ive never grown a male to maturity so its very interesting to see the 'bannana-like' sacs post pollen which ive heard about. :welldone:
All the best
GA :thumb:
I think I'm far from out of the woods.

I had no idea what to look for to see how ripe the nuts were before I chopped it. It wasn't till yesterday till I found a pic that shows what's really going on. I was under the impression that they were pollen sacs and that the pollen would ooze out of them when it was ready. They're fucking little flowers...just like other male plant flowers. Probably produce pollen the same way most other male plants do it. I'm still kicking myself in the head for being so stupid. DUH!

Point is, I chopped Dude too early. I coulda gone at least another week before his FLOWERS were even close to shedding pollen.

...have you looked to see if hes developed any roots, I would have thought so judging by how healthy he looks.

Yeah. I was changing the water at least twice a day - looking for roots. It's only been 5~6 days and no roots yet (not expecting any so soon).

Yeah...he does kinda look healthy...? I feel so bad for having to chop him in the first place. I talk to him. Tell him how sorry I am. I run my hands and fingers around and through his leaves. I do what I can to make him as comfortable as possible.

He's still out basking in the Sun...and he's still looking okay, maybe even perked up a little...dunno. It's warming up here. Just a hair over 90 degrees F~ right now. Gonna get even warmer soon.
Ive had a couple of males which slipped through into my flowering room before and although i always treated them as pests, they are bloody resilient. As long as the plant looks healthy i would suggest that pollen production wont be compromised, its alot easier for mj to develop pollen than bud in terms of energy and time, if he thinks hes dying he might get a move on and start dropping pollen soon, whether hes rooted or not.
A commonly used technique here is to push a fairly large nail through the main stem of plants about a week before harvest, the plant supposedly thinks that its dying and puts all energy into maturing (dont know if it actually works with either males or females) but i can say that lots of people swear by it, the same might be true with your male, he seems to be loving the natural light and doesnt seem to be on his way out. I would say that he probs has a bit of pollen power left in him. are you going to collect the pollen up or let it pollinate a female naturally?
are you going to collect the pollen up or let it pollinate a female naturally?

I'm gonna collect it. I've mostly been keeping him on the kitchen counter on that sheet of foil, I reckon that's what I'm gonna stick with, for the time bein'.

I don't want either of my Queens turning into seed-banks. I don't need that many. I'm gonna just pollinate the lowest branch of both females - that way when the Queen's buds are ripe enough, I can chop it above the lowest branch and leave the lowest branch(s) intact to finish developing the seeds, if need be. I'm sure I'll probably wind up with a couple (or more) hundred good seeds. Keep what I want and give the rest away, if anyone wants them.
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