Clones with T5 Nano Dome?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how long do you guys keep the clones in the dome. I hear till the they are rooted then move them out. I was wondering how long can I grow my clones under a T5 light before I HAVE to move them. I know some might say well its a space or timing issue which will determine that outcome. I more or less looking to see how long to keep this under the dome after I see roots some from the netty pot.

thanks in advance and check out my first sour deisel and ak-47 grow in hydro.
This is an aero cloner?? Im not familiar with the brand but i make the assumption its aero cloner because you mention net pots. First thing i would donis cut the bottoms off the net pots as you dont want the roots growing through the pots.

As far as how long to keep under the t5, they can be kept there indefinately. The answer is you can keep them there until you are ready to transplant them. once they have roots they are vegging plants but generally they dont grow so fast under t5s especially if you arent adding nutes.
I've used a similar type of setup with peat pucks (not sure about the netpots)but generally 10-14 days to start seeing some roots then maybe another week or two let the roots fill in,then they can be planted into their final medium,you need a good showing of roots before you should plant them out.They can stay in the dome for longer if kept moist but i find the roots start getting tangled.
As a side note i heard once they start getting any sort of nutes they stop producing roots off the stem.
i use the jar and a bubbler three weeks roots are poping i like master crop clone as you can see :thumb:

there moster crop clones taking 4 weeks in flowering see the buds on the clone now when you re veg it takes longer if i take a normal clone off a veg plant ya 1 weeks and i have roots poping but moster crop clone take longer to get roots but when they re veg there crazy :high-five: have a look at the pick thats the out come of moster crop clone
Should I keep the tray filled with water on just have it dry?
I was wondering how long do you guys keep the clones in the dome. I hear till the they are rooted then move them out. I was wondering how long can I grow my clones under a T5 light before I HAVE to move them. I know some might say well its a space or timing issue which will determine that outcome. I more or less looking to see how long to keep this under the dome after I see roots some from the netty pot.

thanks in advance and check out my first sour deisel and ak-47 grow in hydro.

I agree with your second sentence.
The dome is just to maintain humidity and lower evaporation and transpiration until the clones have roots and can get a drink. Once they can do that, the dome comes off (if used at all). Otherwise you risk mold, rot, etc.

But as to how long you can keep them under T-5: That is completely unrelated. You can keep them there indefinitely. It probably won't flower good quality buds, but it isn't going to hurt anything. I have a pair of mother plants (from cuttings) under T-5's for more than a year.
You boys keeping the T5 on your clones 24hrs or doing a 18/6 or 12/12?
I do 18/6. Saves money and makes happier plants, IMO.
Ok these guys are a week old and not seeing any roots yet but they are still alive which is good sign. Im hope full that ill get one or two to take heck if for a first time i get one ill be happy.

This guy below is sour diesel and looking like my strongest clip so far...


AK-47 Showing Some yellowing any ideas why?


Same issue with this lil Ak47


These clones are a week old and i messed up one or two things in the process. I for one didnt leave them in the dark for a day after cutting them. Second is I didnt have a T5 light so I left them in the tent with that has a 12/12 for 2.5 days til i was able to get them under the T5. Oh i might of had and used a very light nute mix the first day or two. It was almost none existing and the color of the bottle was basically still clear.

I learned for next time to clip all the leaves the same size. Just like i learned from the video ya posted here.....thank you...
i have never heard of leaving in dark for a day after cutting? cut the fan leaves in half. and just make sure the root plug doesnt dry out. keep under t5 24/7 and be patient. dont mess with them too much. they will root. It takes practice to get roots in 7days. can take twice as long or more if setting isnt correct.
Ok im going to keep an eye for that and thank you.
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