Clones & Seeds In Coco Side By Side

If you look when that cable tie was on that plant you will realise it was over a week ago, it has been removed, it was needed at the time. There now into there 4th week of flower and from watching them grow i think supercropping right now would be an extreme measure and putting them under that much stress when i think they may not need it seems unnecessary. If i think im running out of headroom i may have too.

Some quick pictures from tonight. Not much change apart from the buds are frosting up already! 1.7ec 5.7ph not sure on accurate room temps as outside temps have fallen so i think my minmum temp has too. Have reset thermometer to find out.

So i had another electrical issue. Went in at 8 and lights come on at 7 but they were not on. And this was the reason. Will npt use old extensions in the future. Note to self, buy a fire extinguisher

So i had another electrical issue. Went in at 8 and lights come on at 7 but they were not on. And this was the reason. Will npt use old extensions in the future. Note to self, buy a fire extinguisher

Dodgy that mind. Never use cheap timers or shitty cables. Could burn house down and it does happen. However for the amount of juice you are pulling thats unusual. Make sure your timers are able to handle the load. And that your extensions arent ancient.

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