Clone growth


New Member
I took some clones almost 4 weeks ago and used rockwool. I used a humidity dome this time and kept them a little too wet and they started yellowing most of their leaves. I noticed the problem in time to save most of them but after I cut the leaves off that yellowed and died, many of them only had one leaf left. One of them lost every leaf but I kept it and it actually made it and is growing. I would've never guessed that.
Now they are all growing like mad and I transplanted into bigger pots again yesterday. My question is about one that is only growing roots. It looks like it did 4 weeks ago. One single green leaf and no new growth at all showing. I tipped it out of it's 4 inch pot and the thing is full of roots just like the others that are thick, bushy and 8 inches tall now. It is definately time to re-pot by the amount of roots but there is no sign of any new plant growth. I don't plan on tossing it until it actually dies, if that happens, but sure seems like I should see some new green by now. Is there anything I can do to stimulate some new upward growth? Thanks.
I'm feeding them fox farms and sea tea. They are all doing great except the one which has not grown at all except for roots.
I'm feeding them fox farms and sea tea. They are all doing great except the one which has not grown at all except for roots.

Wow im not the only person with this problem. Anyway talking to my friend he told me in order for the clone to veg it has to have some green on it or all its going to do is become one big root.

I also would love some input from other clone experts on the subject.
Clones will not begin any vegitative growth untill they have taken root and their root system is established.

What if all the leaves die off the stem however the roots still establish will the veg process come back?

My roots are already through the net cup but no signs of leafs regrowing yet at the top of the stem.
Like I said the plant will not grow without a stabilized root system, once the plant taks root and recovers it will begin vegitive growth.

Without leaves you might have a problem, leaves are what produce glucose and the food the plant need to grow using light. Stems dont do this.
I got tired of screwing with it and pitched it today. It had a ball of roots that mostly filled a 4 inch pot but it was not doing anything at all as far as upward growth. I have a dozen others that did fine so it wasn't much of a loss anyway. Thanks for the replies.
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