Clan Cannabis' 4x8 RDWC Grow Tent

a chiller is the best solution. My water has been a few degrees warmer than I would like so I use Hydroguard to curb the unwanted growth in the water. Botanicare makes it. Voodoo juice is similar and from the research I've done, it's even better. It's really expensive though.

I'm curious about why you used Botanicare? What does it do exactly? My cans are running in the high 60s - low 70s and roots are white and plentiful. Should I be looking for something I don't see yet?
Oh, and I wanted to say, nice touch with the label machine. Really looks nice.
Oh, okay. I use "Zyme Alive". Bacteria eating enzyme. Same basic thing, I suppose.
Hope all is well in your world.

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