Good choices! I'm a fan of the Candy Cane. It can get nice and big and the ones I've grown have been very resilient, I topped 2 of 3 without issue. I topped 1 twice and the other once. The one I didn't top grew a VERY large single, center cola. It can be a little branchy sometimes. The one I topped once has been my favorite size/structure but that doesn't mean you'll necessarily have the same experience. The one I topped twice grew 4 big colas at the end of 4 VERY long branches that had to be tied up but it was in the summer and was pretty heat stressed.
One thing I can recommend with the Candy Cane, it's an autoflower so I would plant it in the pot you intend to harvest from. I've made the mistake of transplanting and causing growth to stunt for a little while. You'd rather have it grow the whole time. Also, mine have preferred a little bit softer feeding, like 1/2-3/4 strength of the recommended GH liquids.
Good luck and Have fun!