ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

Still plugging along "indoors" as always Cronic!



shit yea Brotha its my backup and my stash
shit I thought I braced up my pvc fram outside enough to hold the weight of a clear vinyl tarp 18mm
and whatever rain falls on it
3 am my wife wakes me telling me to check my plants outside as there was a loud noise
damn pvc I used to brace up the thing broke that was the loud noise part of the frame breaking
it was my center cross piece and the post I used to hold it up
but basically half of my big plant got wasted and a few branches off the smaller plants
gonna cut that harvest drastically and I hope the bugs don't get wild with all the fresh wounds on the plants
ants was all over it today and I hardly ever see ants cause I always puff diatomaceous earth around the base of the stem/trunk
of my outside plants, but I guess instead of the normal wetting from the rain which isn't much cause the plant use to keep a lot of the rain from reaching the ground, but all that water washed out the de and also moved the plants out of its original place as far as most of them are leaning now and you can tell it was pull to one side when you look at the ground around the stem
anywho I lost track of where I was oh yea
indoor gotta have it, no bugs no rain its my for sure I'm gonna get some stash if its a female
but I got my outdoor roof and frame dialed in now after the current outdoor grow I'm gonna try for just 2 or 3 plants in the box so I can get all 3 fairly big :thumb:
I just wanna see what kind of weight I can get outside in the sun with a lot more space than I have in my 4x4 tent :rofl:
but I still will supplement light for veg to get em big
if not they would never really get big here not enough daylight especially where I live
lets roll with this past sundays res change pics

Cheese Bomb







the gsc mom





gsc clone



bd x gdp



cs project Matanuska tundra and tundra x cheese bomb




the next pics the one I am spraying
the first one in this cs set is the cheese bomb I'm going to pollinate


its showing a bunch of male flowers starting nothing open yet so I'm still spraying up until the first flower opens



this next ones the mat tundra clone I'm vegging to go outside next


a few cheese bomb clones and I think 1 or 2 more tundra clones in there


ok I almost missed the prozak vegging


this is my sour diesel mom


group pics






ok that's it for this week :thumb:
Looking NIIIIICE Chronic. looking good my friend. i finally got back to growing.
thank goodness.
Looking NIIIIICE Chronic. looking good my friend. i finally got back to growing.
thank goodness.

Glad to hear it Brotha and Thank you :thumb:
Yep batten down Hatches. Rain is coming. Still look good chronic. Sorry u had issue with the girls. Spank them and get them back in 5he ball game. Can't wait mine get bigger.
Yep batten down Hatches. Rain is coming. Still look good chronic. Sorry u had issue with the girls. Spank them and get them back in 5he ball game. Can't wait mine get bigger.

cant wait to see it :thumb:
:surf: pae!
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