Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Dysfunctional Syndrome/Chronic Hepatitis -Type C by Richardson

Julie Gardener

New Member
For the last four years I have suffered from chronic fatigue immuno-dysfunctional syndrome aggravated by chronic hepatitis – Type C. In addition to the profound malaise associated with these conditions, I have had a deep, consistent cough with head and chest congestion. My treatment has been massive doses of vitamin B12 (10 mg injectable per day), Klonopin [clonazepam] to ensure better sleep, Zoloft [sertraline], which for some reason reduces the coughing, and various vitamin and mineral supplements taken orally. In addition I have been taking a variety of antioxidants. My physician, Paul Cheney of Charlotte, NC, a CFIDS specialist, mentioned last year that an excess of "new brain" activity and little "old brain" stimulation seemed to be involved in CFIDS. It appeared that my "new brain" immune system was working overtime while my "old brain" immune system was virtually defunct. (My apologies for not knowing the terms of art of medicine or anatomy, but "old brain" and "new brain" are the best way I can remember the areas affected).
Knowing from my hippie-dippie days of decades past that marihuana slowed down the scheming and analytical parts of my own mind, I thought I would try it again after many years to slow down my mind and my body. Well, like WOW, man! It did the trick! No matter how badly I feel from CFIDS (or perhaps hepatitis), a little marihuana in the evening relieves the nausea, the muscle cramping, the vertigo, the headaches, and the lack of appetite. I have mentioned this to Dr. Cheney, but he has made no comment to me one way or the other about it. North Carolina is not a good place to take a stand on issues.

Macon Richardson

Source: Comments and Observations
Re: Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Dysfunctional Syndrome/Chronic Hepatitis -Type C by Richar

WOW Hang on pun intended.
Back last year I fell down 22 steps at work. Took them 5 months to find the missing disk at C-5&6 so I ended up with neck surgery and a brain injury that leaves me qualified to put stickers on those little bastards at Wal Mart.from 120000 a year job. But I get workmans comp HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
So I'm back in the Hospital end of December. That's when they found the Hep-C. I figure I picked it up while driving ambulance in the late 70's early 80's. Back when blood safety was almost unheard of. They didn't even find Hep-C till 1985.
So now I'm shooting my self up every week and taking hand fulls of pills for the Hep-c and the brain injury every day. Ya know they say there are 4 Million people in the USA that have it and are undiagnosed. So any way BLAH BLAH BLAH.

One day about 10 weeks ago my daughter and I went out on the back deck and got back to nature and OMG what a difference no pain in the brain or the neck. Thank you Mother Nature!!!
Re: Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Dysfunctional Syndrome/Chronic Hepatitis -Type C by Richar

I know very lil about Hep of any kind but my heart goes out to those who are suffering from this terrible infliction.

I am happy that you found an ally in MMJ Hammerjack!
Re: Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Dysfunctional Syndrome/Chronic Hepatitis -Type C by Richar

yes i have tried everything for chronic fatigue. massive does of b12. didnt work. caffeine helps, but they wont give me amphetimines. that is what it would take to get rid of fatigue.
Re: Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Dysfunctional Syndrome/Chronic Hepatitis -Type C by Richar

For the last four years I have suffered from chronic fatigue immuno-dysfunctional syndrome aggravated by chronic hepatitis – Type C. In addition to the profound malaise associated with these conditions, I have had a deep, consistent cough with head and chest congestion. My treatment has been massive doses of vitamin B12 (10 mg injectable per day), Klonopin [clonazepam] to ensure better sleep, Zoloft [sertraline], which for some reason reduces the coughing, and various vitamin and mineral supplements taken orally. In addition I have been taking a variety of antioxidants. My physician, Paul Cheney of Charlotte, NC, a CFIDS specialist, mentioned last year that an excess of "new brain" activity and little "old brain" stimulation seemed to be involved in CFIDS. It appeared that my "new brain" immune system was working overtime while my "old brain" immune system was virtually defunct. (My apologies for not knowing the terms of art of medicine or anatomy, but "old brain" and "new brain" are the best way I can remember the areas affected).
Knowing from my hippie-dippie days of decades past that marihuana slowed down the scheming and analytical parts of my own mind, I thought I would try it again after many years to slow down my mind and my body. Well, like WOW, man! It did the trick! No matter how badly I feel from CFIDS (or perhaps hepatitis), a little marihuana in the evening relieves the nausea, the muscle cramping, the vertigo, the headaches, and the lack of appetite. I have mentioned this to Dr. Cheney, but he has made no comment to me one way or the other about it. North Carolina is not a good place to take a stand on issues.

Macon Richardson

Source: Comments and Observations
i get real sick 2 my stomach with my hep c be nice to have mmj in missouri
Re: Chronic Fatigue Immuno-Dysfunctional Syndrome/Chronic Hepatitis -Type C by Richar

yes i have tried everything for chronic fatigue. massive does of b12. didnt work. caffeine helps, but they wont give me amphetimines. that is what it would take to get rid of fatigue.
I'm in the same boat as you my friend, my liver is getting trashed and the fatigue has gotten so bad, I can't even work. (Im only 40) My kidneys are fucked up too and I'm on dialysis cuz I'm waiting to get approved by the state of Ohio for the treatment I desperately need to live. The medication costs like $30,000. I literally feel like I'm 90 years old whenever I walk or move, and zero strength, If I try to lift anything heavy, I go starry eyed and about collapse.
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