Chrome's 'Just Mess'in Around' CFL + Bag Seed Grow

Its much brighter than it appears in the photographs. I was messing around with exposure and such to.. oh hell i was stoned and it looked cool! what you dot see are 2 42watt and 2 more 23watt bulbs. My total(not that it matters) lumen are 19200.

As for the E blankets I want some but all i find are the "aluminum powder coated canvas" ones and I dont feel like ordering any..

Also I gave her some the molasses the other day. Black strap actually..
I picked up a roll of mylar from ebay, 2mil, for cheap, like 30 bucks.. roll was 25ft I think,,,

looking good Chrome,, that pic seemed to have a few more amber, but it is hard to tell if it is being effected by the lights or not...

so, for the molasses thing,, would old grandma (unsulphered) that I have in the pantry work? and what/when is the best time? and what does it do? just curious..
I also got one of those "inline microscope" from ratshack, but I have to cut a leaf off and put it flat on the table to be able to see anything... The 30x jewelers loupe works decent, but hurts the eyes after a bit..

I was looking at the USB microscope and wireless usb microscope from thinkgeek.. but they are pricey
"Molasses and Plant Carbohydrates"
Sugars relating to plant functions for maximum economic production.
Texas Plant & Soil Lab, Inc., Texas Plant & Soil Lab (Home)

Environmental factors that affect when and how much sugar to use:
a. How much nitrate is in the soil, and plant sap (petiole test).
b. Soil moisture conditions.
c. Sunlight intensity.
d. Temperature.
e. Wind
f. Fruiting stage / load
g. Growth / vigor [shade lower leaves]

The right amount at the right time can improve fruiting and produce normal
plant growth with less attraction for disease and insects.

Needed for healthy plants - fruit production - plant development &
Roots take nutrients from the soil and transport them up the stalk thru the
petiole (stem) to the leaves where the sunlight aids the production of
photosynthates (sugars are not the ONLY product of photosynthesis)
carbohydrates (C, H & O), principally glucose (C6H12O6) and then other sugars and photosynthates are formed.

Plant Sugars and other photosynthates are first translocated (boron is essential to the translocation) to a fruiting site. If fruit is not available, the sugars, along with excess nitrates, spur the rapid vegetative growth of the plant at the expense of creating fruiting bodies (first sink) for the storage of the sugars.

Once the proper balance of environmental factors (heat units, light intensity, soil moisture, nutrient balance, etc) are met, the fruiting buds form and then fruit formation gets the first crack at the sugar supply.

Any excess sugars are then translocated to the number two sink, (growing terminals,) to speed their growth. The left-over sugars, etc. then go to the number 3 sink, (the roots,) to aid their growth. Here the new root hairs take up nutrients to help continue the cycle of sugar and other photosynthate production, fruiting, growth of terminals and roots.

- MOLASSES is probably the best outside source of many sugars, such as table sugar, corn syrup and several more complex sugars such as polysaccharides found in humus products.
- Sugar can be added to the soil in irrigation water, drip & pivot being the most effective.

In the soil it can:

- Feed microbes to stimulate the conversion of nitrates to the more efficient NH2 form of N to synthesize protein more directly by the plants.

- The roots can directly absorb some of the sugars into the sap stream to supplement the leaf supply to fruit where it is most needed, and ALSO directly feed the roots for continued productive growth.

- This ADDED sugar can also help initiate fruiting buds in a steady-slow
fashion while maintaining normal growth.

-EXCESSIVE amounts of ADDED SUGARS applied foliarly can shock the
plant resulting in shortened growth internodes, increased leaf maturity & initiation of excess fruiting sites. This can be a short term effect lasting only a few days.

Pollination, soil moisture, nutrient balance and sufficiency as well as adequate light for photosynthate production decide how much of the induced fruit can mature.

I had this saved in my GDoc's..

I have mostly been using the technaflora "Suggar Daddy" on her. But when she first went into flower I used brer rabbit brand blackstrap molasses. Black strap is molasses at a 3x concentrate. I gave her Molasses last night though as I dont want to waste any more good nutes on her.
great stuff,, thanks.

I was reading about it abit a while ago,, and when me and my biddy went to the grow store,, he was dissin it and said that the canna nutes had all that in it already.. blah blah blah,,

but now I'm getting to the end (last 2 weeks) and there is very little nuts left in the canna schedule,, so I think I may try it for the last couple of weeks here to see if it helps at all..
Hey buddy, Mary Bell is getting closer...:)

Great info you had saved on the molasses, that may come in handy for me. + reps again when I can bud! Congrats on the new addition as well.
Zen: Yeah it couldn't hurt at all to give it a go in the end. Most people recommend it. Its real cheap, I paid $2.50 for it I think.

Pres: Yeah she's close but not quite there yet. I wish she was though! :slide:
Great thread Chrome! Sorry Mary Bell is spurning your affections.

When should you start with the molasses? If you start too early will it hurt anything? I heard 1 tbsp/gal, does that sound about right? Thanks and good luck this last week or so.
Great thread Chrome! Sorry Mary Bell is spurning your affections.

When should you start with the molasses? If you start too early will it hurt anything? I heard 1 tbsp/gal, does that sound about right? Thanks and good luck this last week or so.

Some people run molasses the whole ride. I only use it in bloom. I start with 2 tblspn/gal and increase to 1 oz/gallon. Buds are rock hard and busting with's some GDP grown w/molasses


You know if you post awesome buds in some one elses journal your obligated to send them some.. right? :smokin2:

soon coming to a dispensery near you.....:)
Just poppin in to see your new pics. Wow, you have a bud on a stick too! ;)

So, tell me about Molasses.... What kind, how much to dilute etc.... You've piqued my interest!
Hey scaredeecat thanks man! I don't think I did too bad either. Though I did mess up a little. But hey what ever I'll still get a decent harvest!
Some people run molasses the whole ride. I only use it in bloom. I start with 2 tblspn/gal and increase to 1 oz/gallon. Buds are rock hard and busting with's some GDP grown w/molasses



Thanks Hogdady! If I can end up with anything that looks remotely like that I'm gonna be so jacked.
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