Chromes Gone Hempy: "Kushberry" + Bagseed/Bagseed Clone: CFLs!

Oh no no no... We cannot have Chromes J on the bottom of page two!!! Oh The Horror!!!

Here's a bump for ya bud!
Alright I want to divert attention back to my crack pot CO2 experiment.

So after a full 24 hours every jub is bubbling away nicely. If i stand near them with the fan off I can actually hear them fizzing away. its pretty neat. I rigged up my last plant to day so I can not see the bubbles from the tub, but this morning it was a steady stream (meant to take video. whoops) Placing a lighter under the tub and the flame does dance a bit as if being blown. so thats kind of cool. I think this system will in fact aid with adding co2. How much, still going with marginal at best on that. Still even if it add +30 ppm over the normal 300 ppm its not hurting but rather helping, barely. So I like i said before I will probably keep this going the rest of the grow.

Disclaimer: The experiment conducted in this post is not an a proven technique of CO2 supplementing. In fact all possible science provoked here is of the truest crack pottery. Exclusion to the previous statement is the fact that Yeast while consuming sugar produces CO2 emissions, thats true. This was an exercise in boredom and curiosity. any claims made of benefits will probably be exaggerated or completely fabricated. The quoting of this experiment as fact or proven growing aid is punishable by mauling and or death by velociraptors.

Chrome, vids were cool and congrats on the interview. Any extra Co2 you put on them is a plus for sure, those girls are gonna kick ass with or without it

If u slept in your grow room durring lights off, exhaust off, wouldnt that produce more co2 than whats being made by this experiment? Plants looked good regardless, didn't think u needed to supp but yeah, it couldn't hurt. Keep them plants doin that frosty thing.
Hey guys nothing to update just took some pictures. Some body has been feeling left out of this grow and refused to leave the closet till I took some pictures.






As you can see every one is nice and healthy! They are nearing the end of their stretch(I hope) which means in a few days I'll have some Bud forming pictures (Again, I hope).

The CO2 jugs are still fizzing away, still not sue if they help but what ever.
looking good Chrome.. I am surprised your kitty doesn't try to eat the leaves... My friends kitty loves them,, :yummy:

They are nearing the end of their stretch(I hope) which means in a few days I'll have some Bud forming pictures (Again, I hope).
how long ago did you flip the switch to 12/12? (I am too lazy to go back and look,, sorry).. I think you got a bit more stretch to

there was one thread I was reading,, (I will have to see if I can find it) that talked about 40% of time in flower is in stretch,, and you can figure out how long it will flower (or when it will be ripe), based on when you notice a stop in verticle growth, (40% has passed, 60 to go,, I forget the math formula,, but since you are good at crackpot math,, you can fill in the blanks.. :) ), or if you know the total flower time, you can take 40% of that and know how long it will stretch for... it was an interesting read,,, I hope I remembered it
Yeah kitty as no interest in attacking my plants, as far as I can tell any ways. She does like to sniff them though. So maybe she just hasn't worked up the courage to actually attack them yet. She knows she is not allowed in there though.

Its been 2 weeks Since I put them into flower, I think. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure its been two weeks. I don't really remember exactly. Either way I think I was wrong on the stretch slowing, I had to raise all my lights again this morning. BS is sooooo bushy its awesome! while the KB isn't nearly as bushy. there is a definite sativa/indica difference going on there. LB is getting tall. Hope she's not going to get too much taller. Either way good thing i scored that 6 pack I'm going to add a few more side lights for sure.
Ummm, I have no idea what friskies is adding to their cat food these days, But me thinks kitty is out of her mind enough with out whatever it is that is going on here.....

Your lucky! My drug sniffing kitty murdered all my plants the first go around... She doesn't like Catnip anymore, now that she's had the good stuff.

I found a 4 ft long florescent ballast with 2 40 watt tubes in it. One daylight, and one coolwhite. Will that work for my soil mamas? I have pics in my J of it
lol GD... my buddies cat loves the fan leaves,, (we feed them to him when we harvest) but still loves the catnip...

but catnip... hmmm,, maybe Friskies is adding that to the food? or catshrooms? :rofl:
I tried giving my kitty a few of the fan leaves and a bit of the trim leaves when I harvested... Not interested. She liked them when they were vegging, not so much in flower. Must be the smell they emit when vegging...
haha maybe HZ.

GD: I dunno if I would encourage a kitty to eat the leaves, I mean its like butterflies. The second they taste blood its game over man. Game freak'in over. they hunt you down and bleed you dry!

So my jugs are running super low on the fizzies, going to make new batches tomorrow.
High every one!

First off let me say sorry if I haven't really been around much lately. Just been kind of out of it and haven't really been posting much the past few days.

Second, here is a more comprehensive look at my ladies.








WOW! Your girls are getting HUGE!!!!

I am running on a emotional high right now. My grower at my dispensary looked at my girls under his microscope (a real microscope, not a pocket one) and he told me I did an AWESOME job on harvesting at the right time! Mostly Cloudy trichs with some amber...He even liked the smell, and the way my girls looked!

I am so geeked. I ordered 3 clones from him. They'll be ready in 2 weeks...
Yeah I read that, its awesome! I can not wait either! working with the clones will make starting in the DWC all the easier.

On my end here I went and cashed in my voucher. I took two of the bulbs and added some more side lighting to the two ladies in the front. I should give the lady in the back some more as well. we will see though.
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