Good day all! We got tails!
That's what I'm talking about! 2 out of 3 ain't bad as they say so I put them all in a mix of my Rev LOS soil and fox farms Light Warrior. 2/3 LOS 1/3 warrior, just to try and make sure I don't over do it and burn them up before getting a chance.
So I skipped the soak and went straight into paper towels. Who knows if I would have gotten 3 for 3 in water but here we are.
I mixed the appropriate amount of
@DYNOMYCO into the soils to make for the best start.
Then into holes a half inch deep and onto the heat pad set to 80F and also I set the light on low for some top heat. I'll set the timer as soon as I see one break ground.
On the barrel of soil I had weirding out cooking with less air than needed. It smells like a spring morning in the woods now. Just a little air under the hood and some lactic acid bacteria made that happen. I feel better now!
That's all folks! I hope you have the best day!
@Bode how you doing?