Cherma Medical Cannabis Grow

In the year 2525, if man is still alive, maybe the plants will be selected to grow in hollow-stemmed foxtail-like appendages that self-wrap with sugar leaves. Hang your plant to dry then pick off ready to smoke doobies. A guy can dream

I love the doobie colas. Grower art is awesome.
Cherma,what can I say.Beautiful garden,awesome location.Just about as good as it gets.
Just got done going through your journal.I so wish I was able to do what you do.
Thanks for sharing.:peace:
Freak, how'd ya know I love that song. Harry, yes, they are gooey and just finally getting a smoke report back soon. I like to do this after 3 weeks of drying / curing. Currently it is just as it looks, a little too much couch lock, Nahhhhhhhhhhh,never is too much... Thanks guys. I will be focusing on the Sativas left & still blooming with current pics. Minus, mahalos, and yes as we say here, "Lucky we live Hawaii" :surf:
Hey guys mahalos I appreciate your kind words.
Here are some finish shots as it has been busy out here lately. hehe






Now down to catch some late winter north swells after the winter crops are in.:surf:


Notice the Custom " BLUNTCUT Fins" hehe
Wow Cherma, those are some succulent looking tops! The purple is subtle but its definitely there. Was the hash produced with this grow? Good job on the harvest the buds are looking great and hope you catch some good swells out there! :peace:
Dayyummmmmmmmmmm.......... What a beautiful job Cherma.. What was your trim to hash ratio? I look forward to seeing a lot more from you... Your ladies show your mad skillz.. I gotta get my 420 stuff before 4/20!!!!!! Keep up the good work Cherma... Peace to you.. :peace:
Was the hash produced with this grow?
Dr. Thanks & yes on the Bubble Hash, it is from this last harvest, used some bud shake from trimmings.

What was your trim to hash ratio?
Used 300 + grams bud shake, got 52 Grams finished Bubble with 3 washes. Thanks BeIrie, I'm a hangin 'round for awhile.:smokin: I will take care of the remainders soon, and see what that comes out to, also.

Beautiful nugs my man! Great log of hash as well.
Thanks McBudz, I do like a good Yule Log of hash during these winter months. Bubbleator 3 bags, 3 washes. I got tired of the old 1/2" drill with paddle bits 5 -5 gallon buckets, multiple pours and straining so much goo from the traps. Need a 20 gallon one though. 5 gallon one has wore itself out.

thanks for starting my day just right brother!
What can I say oh great founder. It is you who has brought so many of us great positive energies to keep moving forward with. Mahalo Nui :smokin::surf:

That looks like the Sativa, she turned out some great colas; and thats the short season??
hey Fly yes the 3 Sativa clones went alomost 90 days flower, 30 days vegging. The 3 daughters did turn out way better than her mother. I did not though keep her going as 90 days is way too many unless it is long season.
Very beautiful, from the freshly cut spears to the silky bubble hash. The people you care for are very fortunate. If it's "bust da mouf" for tasty hash browns, what do you say for tasty brown hash?? And yeah...those blunt cut fins made me laugh out loud.
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