Day 29:
Temps are between 70-77 and R.H. is between 30-34. All 5 look to be doing good still, fingers crossed. They are getting so bushy that I'm not sure what more I can do with the lst.
The girls got fed today. 3tsp big bloom, 1.5 tsp grow big, 5ml cal-mag, 1oz liquid seaweed, and 1/2 tsp recharge per gallon of water. x3 gallons split between the 5. A little more than a half gallon to each. p.h.-6.4-6.6 and ppm-1764,1902,1810. The ppm of the last feed was 1400 and they didn't burn so I'm going to raise it a little this time around.
I also tightened the lst up a bit and did some leaf tucking. The pictures are from about 10 hours after they have been fed.