CFL - First Grow - Bag Seed

Yes I have 2 warm bulbs and I have 6 cold lights there's not really any strategy behind it It just kind of happened that way
To be honest I don't think spectrum of CFLs really matter alot as long as you pick either 6500k or 2700k. I grow with the warm ones which are technically flowering spectrum but they work for me just fine my plants stay bushy and squat with the help of lst lol. Anyways looking good over here congrats on the job and keep up the good work good vibes your way

I've been busy the last couple weeks but here's some updates I got brave and moved into my other closet,they are one week into 12/12 and are already showing tiny buds,I had them in scrog and decided since I have more height in this closet to just let and let them grow as tall as they want prior to making the flip I trimmed them up quite a bit they were very very bushy before and blocking the light tell me what you guys think??!
I also got new soil tonight it's called jiffs or some shit its vermiculit coir fiber and some other stuff I can't spell lol,the reason there short is because I thought I was going to have to grow them in the small cabinet,I also received some g-13 crossed with northern lights #1 from the old homie so will be putting them in pots and starting veg sometime next week
Ha-ha! It's a long as wait, but worth it hey. Have you heard much about 'mainlining'? If you haven't, search up some journals on here. I'm going to give it a try next. Looks like some really decent results, esp for the kind of growing we are doing. But man I'm loving your garden, got a bit of a bonsi feel! Keep us updated yo! Too long between chats..
For sure man I'll be on here again daily me and my iPad just parted ways for a couple weeks lol,to make a long story short,I'm gonna check out "mainlining" right now I never heard of it,it's got that bonsai feel cause I attempted scrog and wasn't really feeling it,I tried using un sulpherd molasses for a flowering nuts and every time after I use it my plants yellow a bit I'm in Minnesota and we don't have grow shops here yet,you got any ideas for nutes ,within a decent price range? Cause that molasses makes me nervous with the yellowing,I use half a tbsp per gallon and it still effects my girls negatively I feel,I'm lookin hard for something else
You don't have any gardening stuff there? I'm not using anything made for cannabis yet, cuz I'll have to buy online, and have the money. Potash is good for flowering, an outdoor grower friend of mine sprinkles it on the soil, from his cold fire pit. But I've never tried it, don't know how it would go indoors haha. You'd be after something higher in potassium at any rate. But they're looking pretty darn healthy if you ask me.
I might just let them do there thang no fertz or nothin,I checked out one mainlining journal and I'm sold bro that shits wicked I can't believe that tho the shit people think of is incredible lol.gotta love them stoners,
I like the look on your plants Barnesmn and think you flipped them at a good time. I think a little LowSressTraining would help to keep the toppers equal. YOur training already has them set up to do it nice . Like in the bigger pot I would anchor stem in place by tying to the side with light clamped and then another one pulling down the stem almost level to the soil opposite side. the stem anchored will prevent tiny roots being ripped.Then just tie down branches to an equal height of others as it stretches out the next couple weeks.
I put holes in edge of pot and use pipe cleaners from the dollar store to lst, They have clips at the $store you can use to clamp to pot instead .
As far as fertilizer in Mn I would look for a vegetable fertilizer at HomeDepotWalmart . The molasses is not really a fertilizer, yet its in a lot of fertilizer bottles:hmmmm:
Hey man very nice only suggestion i got is mayne move your big reflector clamp lights a little closer about 2-3 inches from the plant they looked a little far but otherwise very nice. If you aren't super picky with nutes you could always go with MG liquid catus ferts for flowering its 2-7-7 npk and for veg find a high N liquid fert from MG. That's how I started out dont get the crystal ferts from MG i had bad experience with them but the liquid MG does the job ya MG sucks but if you take it slow it works.
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