thanks very much!
this is very useful info that requires much digesting.
i will have to look into these hints at digi's that are compatible and any possible upgrades that are likely.
you seem pretty well informed on this specific topic and ive seen you about, we travel in similar circles =)
i have no idea how difficult it would be to set up a white label style bulb company, but since philips are not the only people making them i can assume its not too proprietry to consider a business.
do you like me think this technology has been woefully undervalued?
im seriously considering costing up a business to bring these bulbs to growers in the formats we need them in.
this is very useful info that requires much digesting.
i will have to look into these hints at digi's that are compatible and any possible upgrades that are likely.
you seem pretty well informed on this specific topic and ive seen you about, we travel in similar circles =)
i have no idea how difficult it would be to set up a white label style bulb company, but since philips are not the only people making them i can assume its not too proprietry to consider a business.
do you like me think this technology has been woefully undervalued?
im seriously considering costing up a business to bring these bulbs to growers in the formats we need them in.