CBD & Covid

So my wife now has Covid for the second time... I have never had it... Knock on wood that I do not get sick! :dude-knocking:
Two differences between us are 1: I vape around 1/4 gram of high CBD flowers (20% CBD) mixed with 1/10 gram of high THC flowers (20% - 25% THC) every night, my wife does not. 2: I am a Vegan and she is not.

Yesterday morning I had a backache and a headache that went away after a couple of hours, My wife was also complaining of backache then body aches and then she got a fever. we both took a covid test and hers was positive mine was negative. I feel great today and she has been in bed since yesterday late afternoon. Coincidence?

There have been studies showing that Vegetarian and plant based diets are associated with lower incidence of Covid-19

There are other studies that show that CBD may help prevent Covid-19
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