Caution: When juicing Cannabis greens with citrus you can get high


Well-Known Member
Juicing the cannabis plant along with other vegetables or fruit will assist in extracting the juice as well as disguising its strong flavour.

There's a youtube video where the guy demonstrates that he gets "high" after juicing a mixture of cannabis and citrus with a few other vegetables. Unfortunately, the video is painfully longwinded, but if you wish to see for yourself it's just after the 30 minute mark where he discovers he is unexpectedly affected by the juice.

How I Got High for 10 Hours on Raw Cannabis Leaves - YouTube

Among the 1,547 comments on that video, three stand out as being informative:

youtube member w3bst3r123: said:
I did some research and it seems that the oranges you used (probably seville oranges?) contain furanocoumarins which deactivates an enzyme in the small intestine and liver that breaks down toxins. This is from npr: "When the enzyme (called 3A4 for short) isn't working right, the drugs hang around longer and circulate at higher levels in the blood than would otherwise be the case. If the levels are high enough, a person essentially overdoses." More Drugs Cited As A Risky Mix With Grapefruit : Shots - Health News : NPR

youtube member マックスシュッツェ : said:
furocoumarins - why grapefruit is contraindicated when taking so very many medications. Many tangerine hybrids have some history of cross-pollination- intentional and accidental, with grapefruits. In fact accidental crosses may be how many tangerines we know came about.

youtube member Adam Bhame: said:
He's right, the THC-A is decarboxylated by the citric acid. The coconut fats probably do help with the uptake of the thc, but the reason it was psychoactive is the citric acid digests the extra group of atoms on the thca, thus rendering it thc and available to be utilized by the thc receptors in our brain. The decarboxylation process can apparently happen naturally over a long period of time, so if you eat really old weed you may get high, but of course the average person chooses to accelerate this with heat. [...]

I just saw that he drank kombucha as well. I've heard there are certain enzymes that can facilitate the decarb process, and the b vitamins in kombucha as well. No wonder they got high

So it seems those who enjoy juicing the fresh plant should be aware of an unexpected outcome when juicing with citrus, so you can either plan for it, or plan to avoid it. :blushsmile:
Good to know, since I would have just chucked anything I had into the juicer. I'll be sure to skip the citrus. :laughtwo:
How intriguing. Biology and chemistry combine to cause wonder. :laughtwo:

Thanks VerdantSpires. I’ll remember this for future reference. :hug:
Reading this two years later I can see how he got wasted, and thinking about it he apparently went out of his way to do so.
  • Coconut oil is a fast-track to the liver, speeding uptake and metabolism of delta-9 TCH into 11-hydroxy THC.

  • The enzymes in both the fermented tea and orange juice would have increased bioavailability and stretched out the therapeutic window.

Yeah.... he created quite a sensation. Good marketing ploy, and an interesting lesson in biology.
After re-reading it, I'm guessing you mean that the guy in the video is the one trying to market something. I didn't watch it so I wouldn't know. My only question is how did he get high so fast? it was stated that he gets high about 30 minutes into the video. It typically takes me 2-3 hrs to achieve an elevated state when I use edibles.
I haven’t watched the video either. I wasn’t interested in giving him the click he’s possibly monetizing.

I don’t believe he was marketing a product, but the sensational idea that he got high on pot that wasn’t supposed to get him high - on pot that he juiced. And he did it to create a sensation and get those clicks. I determined that from the sensationalism used to promote the video itself.

But THCa is what we call a volatile molecule. It’s aggressively trying to let those carboxyl units free and become THC. As I read it, this man went out of his way to introduce elements that would hasten that transformation - the enzymes in the fermented tea, the orange juice. Both are full of enzymes and molecules that would actively be promoting that metabolic switch to psychoactivity.

And high for him isn’t necessarily the same as high for someone with a broad and colorful history with cannabis. We don’t know his history with the plant, or what other medications he may be on, what food he did or didn’t have in the stomach..... the list of variables is extensive.

What’s high to him? How comfortable is he with feeling happier than he’s ever felt before? With many inexperienced consumers it’s the fear of losing control that sets them into panic mode, but you and I and most of this virtual community view the same sensations as flags that relief is on the way.

Propaganda works. That’s why everyone uses it. :straightface:

He set out to make a sensation. He did. It’s all based on smoke and mirrors, IMHO, but he got his clicks, didn’t he?

He also made us all a little more aware.

Have you tried Dust yet Scott? Give it a try. You may be pleasantly surprised. :hug:
By dust, do you mean keif or ground buds? This is new info for me.

Follow the link Scott. It’s decarbed bud, ground to a fine powder. It’s new to most of us. :hug:

On the 'dust' thing .... I crumbled and compressed some 30-35% humidity small ketama nuggets in a pollen press some months back.
Stored in small 5g tin.
I dig / carve into the puck with one of those 'one hitters' with a spring.

It amounts to compressed dust so the dose is higher than one might imagine, but I was suprised at the strength and have added this to my methods of discreet delivery.
I like the self cleaning one hitter as it allows time for consideration of effects before the next hit.
Its also a very effective no waste frugal method

Pill makers are a bit pricey, but I am planning budget options and also using useful companion powders in the pill ... turmeric, black pepper, ginger, mixed spice and will try 'citric' ...
Juicing the cannabis plant along with other vegetables or fruit will assist in extracting the juice as well as disguising its strong flavour.

There's a youtube video where the guy demonstrates that he gets "high" after juicing a mixture of cannabis and citrus with a few other vegetables. Unfortunately, the video is painfully longwinded, but if you wish to see for yourself it's just after the 30 minute mark where he discovers he is unexpectedly affected by the juice.

How I Got High for 10 Hours on Raw Cannabis Leaves - YouTube

Among the 1,547 comments on that video, three stand out as being informative:

So it seems those who enjoy juicing the fresh plant should be aware of an unexpected outcome when juicing with citrus, so you can either plan for it, or plan to avoid it. :blushsmile:
thank you soo much for sharing this, My interest is peaking!!!!!
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