Caterpillars? Not today my beautiful flying worms, not today

It's hard to judge the ripeness from the photos but pushing for another week or two seems right, especially if you're still seeing clear trichomes. I've never dealt with termites before but it wouldn't hurt to get rid of the layer of dead leaves on the soil.
I harvested the LA Pop Rocks today!

It looked to be about time. Lots of amber, mostly cloudy trichomes.
I washed in 3 buckets. First 5 gallons water plus lemon juice and baking soda (1/4 cup each). Two and three water. The netting appeared to reduce dust and dirt as the water did not get too dirty.

I hung to dry for about 2 hours until no wetness on the very bottom. Then into SIX bags in the patio fridge.

I did a light trim as I want the bags to dry slower than last time (9-10 days and just a tad harsh). This time hoping to extend the time in fridge to remove more chlorophyll.
Total weight for this plant = 586 grams. About 100 grams in each bag.
After dry and cure it’s looking like I may get over 4 ounces.

I am totally stoked!
The netting appears to have worked great! During chop I saw no bugs whatsoever. NONE. For a while I was spraying once per week with Bt or Safer. The last 2 weeks no spray at all.

I even dug out the root ball to inspect for bugs (I saw some termites flying around the yard a few weeks ago). No termites and no bugs at all!

i noticed your mesh nets with drawstrings. I used the same kind when i noticed holes in my leaves as if something was tearing into them. i used the mesh at night, i also took some gardening mesh, almost like window screening and cut to the inner diameter of my pot. i then cut from the edge to the center of the screening and placed this on the soil in the evenings in case larvae or something was trying to crawl up from the soil. it worked!
i noticed your mesh nets with drawstrings. I used the same kind when i noticed holes in my leaves as if something was tearing into them. i used the mesh at night, i also took some gardening mesh, almost like window screening and cut to the inner diameter of my pot. i then cut from the edge to the center of the screening and placed this on the soil in the evenings in case larvae or something was trying to crawl up from the soil. it worked!
Nice! any pics?
I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out what I could use to keep the moths away. Last grow I lost a lot of primo buds due to caterpillars. This netting is cheap - about $15 for a pack of two on Amazon. I put the the nets on after a few weeks of flower.
Nice! any pics?
I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out what I could use to keep the moths away. Last grow I lost a lot of primo buds due to caterpillars. This netting is cheap - about $15 for a pack of two on Amazon. I put the the nets on after a few weeks of flower.
i will send pictures tomorrow. both the mesh for the plant and the screen i used for the soil /stem / protection.
Congrats on your harvest and congrats on winning the caterpillar war! :high-five:
Congratulations on a sweet harvest GB!
Thanks SO!

I was thinking I would get maybe 2 oz. however these buds are chunky as hell. Looking like at least 3 and maybe close to 4 after I've finished drying and trimming.
Not bad for a novice grower.

The harvest from last October netted about 2 oz per plant. Those buds were much more fluffy / airy compared to this plant. I honestly think I did something wrong to get them so chunky this time. Second week of flower I trimmed all lower leaves and potential larf. Just buds and stems. I think it is called "Lolli-popping'? I saw a video of some dude in Spain growing plants on his patio and his plants were smaller than mine but had HUGE chunky buds. Like Bonsai plants.

The other two plants are looking fantastic! About another two weeks I think.
I'll continue to post pics and updates until finish on those as well.

Hey if I can grow some good stinky weed out on the patio anyone can!
Update on the other two plants - both Wedding Cake.
So far so good!

Looking like at east another week or two (or 3). These buds are looking more typical (vs the LA Pop Rocks). When the trichomes look about 10-25% amber I'll harvest one, then wait a week or more to harvest the other.

Just for giggles I placed about 10 lady bugs inside each tent. 2 days later most are still there. Hoping they fed on any mites or tiny bugs present.

Not sure if this was a mistake but we'll see. Hoping to avoid spraying any more Safer here on out. When I removed the netting on #1 several lady bugs appeared from within and flew off. Left the net on #2 to keep the lady bugs captive for a few more days to see if it makes any difference.

Not seeing any bugs or caterpillar damage. Knock wood.
The two wedding cake are still chugging along. I think most of the ladybugs have escaped. I saw one yesterday but none today. Buds look close now. Still a few clear but mostly cloudy and a few Amber trichomes.

But now for the bad news.
Several large buds had what looks to be bud rot. I discarded them. Found more when trimmimg after 4 days in fridge. Trashed what looked bad. I still have a few buds that look iffy.
Should I trash anything that looks like this?

Sorry to see the rot GratefulBud. They otherwise look great! Question. Does wedding cake really smell like cake?
The LA Pop Rocks smelled wonderful! Kinda like Juicy Fruit gum. Hoping that aroma returns in cure. The two Wedding Cake do not smell as nice but they smell good. I think it's called wedding cake because the trichomes are like frosting.

I checked the wedding cake plants over pretty good and I'm not seeing any rot. I think the pop rocks got it because they were in flower / not flower / flower for months - since June 4th. Also saw some remnants of a bug inside one - maybe a termite? The buds were much denser with some as large as a beer can. I had to trash them due to black gunk in the center. Totally bummed but no biggie.

Debating wether to toss any remaining LAPR buds that have brown in the center. What do you think?
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