Cart's Official 2x2 And 2x4 Journal

2x4 day 17 flower
2x2 growing strong
3x7 growing strong









Well needed stuff for the garden. Watering now. Wish I woulda got the Mykos some days ago lol. Whatever. Still have transplanting up the road. Has anyone ever used this stuff scratched on the soil before? Or it must touch the roots? Or is this a dumb question?

2x2 update.
Keeping everything low and in check. Growing very fast!

Starting to train the 3x7 plants outside. Yesterday they spent all day out there happy as can be. SoCal weather.

Today will be day 2. I place them back into the closet at 6:30. Once sun is no longer touching. Hopefully soon within the next month. They’ll adjust without flowering. It’s just a really slow and patient process doing this.m the right way. Otherwise my hard work starting in January will be all for nothing.

Flowering day 21 or 3 weeks.

Pics soon. Buds getting heavier. Garlic having some feeding issues. Hopefully it was just a small issue on my part. Idk. We’ll see in a couple days. Good thing I have 7 clones of the garlic growing away in veg lol. Just in case.

Outside autos growing away. I think I have hope for them to grow with no stunting. Also have a project in mind for some horizontal growing this year. I have one plant growing wild I guess. That iv taken over In care. These ones always grow HUGE!!! So I’m going to train the heck out of her all summer.








Day 23 flower 2x4

Must of underfed. Starting to fade way to early. So next watering I’ll add Earth juice grow for some well needed nitrogen. She’s a 10 seeker so need to keep her green till atleast week 6.

Growing explosive. I’m going to have to flower in there. No biggie. I have everything planned to a Dotted i. Just waiting to send white wedding, Bruce banner, and apprations outside. And the clones. I want the single canopy to be the 3 plants only flowering. This will be the fun part.


One of each prize. Garlic, amnesia, and akog number 1. For my mothers. Under 24hr. Everything else iv been placing outside and bring back inside at night for almost the week. Last night they stayed out. Now new finale.

2 amnesia 2 garlic 2 akogs. New “outside” leaves are fully out now. They’re adjusting just fine. But when outside is exactly the same temperature. I was scared account of humidity. My vpd is low in the tent. And outside. I don’t even know how that works yet. I just know the humidity in Los Angeles deserts. Is around 15-25%. But iv never ever had one problem ever outside other than theft and law enforcement. But it’s a new world last 5 years. Night and day. I have a license for 99 plants in California So it’s going to be fun outside to say the least.. even tho I’ll go no where near that number. Maybe 15-20 outside. Just enough for me and my family to have a variety and able to bake and make extracts. Outside will have a sweet variety of everything I’m running. And I still have every pheno. Cause I clone like a madman. This area is where I shine. Im very organized. And now I’m a over a year sober. With much better genetics. I can’t wait.

Also. Getting hired as a driver for greenstoneretail. My local dispensary.
So that being a second job. The extra income. The wife might let me set up another tent on the spare bedroom. Or turn the spare into a tent room. Idk.









Flowers are stacking nicely CA. :yummy:
And yes just sprinkle a little of that myco on the soil(?) when you water/fertigate and the microdudes will do the rest :high-five:
Great looking roots hanging out of the pot back there. They’re going to love it.

It was good reading the moment the penny dropped for you on the VPD :welldone:
Flowers are stacking nicely CA. :yummy:
And yes just sprinkle a little of that myco on the soil(?) when you water/fertigate and the microdudes will do the rest :high-five:
Great looking roots hanging out of the pot back there. They’re going to love it.

It was good reading the moment the penny dropped for you on the VPD :welldone:
Thankyou very much!

Once that penny dropped. My brain went into overdrive gathering all knowledge bombs I could gather. Biggest game changer iv had.
Day 28 flower in 2x4 or 4 weeks.
Day 1 of flip in 2x2

Just taking one week at a time. Moved a lot stuff around for plenty of flowering room. Everything seems happy going into transition.

3x7 i plan on flowering as well. But not until all my outdoor is fully outside. So prolly another 2-3 weeks. Then I’ll flip that. By the time I’m flipping this bad boy I’ll be coming up on harvest in 2x4 and rotation will hopefully be automatic. Harvesting something every 3-4 weeks.







That’s the way to keep from running out.
Nice gardening, CA :yummy:
Hey donkeyD!! Thankyou very much.
I’m hoping to harvest less higher quality flower as often as I can handle on my own.
Back to outside training now that the cold snap and random storm has passed. The next week and I assume from there on will all be 80s.
And the 3x7 load is lightened up for the day. White wedding and Bruce banner growing away. They’ll head outside after I snag 3 cuts a piece from them.



Day 32 of flower 2x4

Frosty frosty frosty. Ace killer og number 3. Won’t be growing again lol. Number 1. Not to Shab. Everything else exploded with excitement.

This last pic of the map. Is the mass shooting in dtsac. That’s where I used to live 4 years ago before I moved back down here to the south. I moved up there for about 4-5 years. I worked at the gps pin and the ! Point the map is the where the shooting took place. Crazy. However that was a subway. And we closed at 10pm. What really gave me the chills is how many nights I got wasted on k,j,l and p street in down town. Almost every night. I was a bar hopper after work most nights. And the exact place where the shooting took place iv spent hours skating the water fountain on 10th and j. Or smoking on the bench’s on K st outside of k bar. I’m sober now. But still. My prayers go out to those family’s affected!!!!









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