Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Nev!'s what I'm looking at right now- I don't like what's going on here....

This is the second GSC seed, which I planted a little deeper than the first one.
The first one came up root first, and didn't survive being turned over...
If this one still looks the same this evening, I'll carefully dig around in there to see If I can set her straight...

On the plus side, I haven't killed this one... :)
...yet :oops:

Good morning C Smiler

Looks to me like your little girl likes yoga!

That is a classic downward dog pose.
used a piece of stalk across them to keep them open,
Thanks, Stunger- I considered that, but wasn't sure if I'd make it work without breaking something off...
If you haven't split them yet you could leave them alone and see if the 1st set of leaves can push them apart.
I've got them held open now, probably leave it like that for 24 hours or so...
2 sticks, and some dental floss did the trick:
opened (2).jpg

Looks to me like your little girl likes yoga!
Or..she didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground... ;)
Thanks, Stunger- I considered that, but wasn't sure if I'd make it work without breaking something off...

I've got them held open now, probably leave it like that for 24 hours or so...
2 sticks, and some dental floss did the trick:
opened (2).jpg

Or..she didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground... ;)

Thanks, Stunger- I considered that, but wasn't sure if I'd make it work without breaking something off...

I've got them held open now, probably leave it like that for 24 hours or so...
2 sticks, and some dental floss did the trick:
opened (2).jpg

Or..she didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground... ;)
Clever! I like it. :goodjob:
Clever! I like it.
Thanks, Azi!
The floss works well, because it's flat and wide...
Hopefully, now I can just sit back and watch her grow...she could use a little growth, shes only 1/2" tall so far...
Thanks, Stunger- I considered that, but wasn't sure if I'd make it work without breaking something off...
I've got them held open now, probably leave it like that for 24 hours or so...
2 sticks, and some dental floss did the trick:
Perfect! That looks like it'll do the trick, it is only likely to be needed for the very short term.
it is only likely to be needed for the very short term.
Thanks, Stunger- I left it on overnight, seems to have gotten them flattened out!
OMFG. Brilliant!
Thank you, Shed!
I'm lucky the cotys were flexible- the last time I tried to "adjust" one, it broke right off...

And , since it's Monday, it's time for a little Update on a few things...

First, in seedling news, the odd little GSC is squared away, after a somewhat weird start...
Here's how she looked yesterday morning- the root came up first, the sprout came up 4 hours later:

And, today..she's looking quite a bit better:

The cotyledons are open now, and those 2 leaves are actually growing pretty fast...still tiny, but a lot bigger than yesterday...

Not a lot more to say about that one right now, so how about a harvest update on the @Herbies Seeds
Blueberry Hill?

My new drying box did slow the drying down, but only by a day or 2- it took 7 days to dry, instead of the usual 5 or 6 days. Next time, I'll stick it out in the garage, where it's cooler, and run the fan less often...

Anyway, She's dry now and in the jars.
BBH weight 7.4 oz.jpg

7.4 oz., so not too bad for a 17" plant in a 3 gallon pot.

Quite a bit of weed there...I smoked a little last night- a nice, strong, relaxing indica buzz, and tastes great, even before the cure..
(half gallon jars)
BBH2 7.4 oz..jpg

I decided to take a look at her roots before she went into the greenwaste.. they look pretty good to me- she definitely used the whole pot..
BBH Roots 1.jpg

That's about all I've got today-
Thank You for looking, I really appreciate your support :love:

I hope everyone has a great week,
And please, continue to stay safe out there. :peace:
First, in seedling news, the odd little GSC is squared away, after a somewhat weird start...
Here's how she looked yesterday morning- the root came up first, the sprout came up 4 hours later:
That one should be an interesting root ball to look at at the end. ;)
Nice recovery on the GSC!
Thanks ,Shed -She had me worried for awhile..but I'm glad I don't have to tell the socal seed fairy that I killed them both! ;)
Great harvest, well done Carcass!
Thank You, Stunger- she'll keep me sleeping like a baby for a looonng time!
That one should be an interesting root ball to look at at the end.
I wonder if it'll still have that loch ness monster thing going on?
Great save of the GSC! Maybe that floss could give you a little gum buzz, if you haven't thrown it away. :)

I'll bet that the cured Blueberry Hill will be thrilling!

7.4 oz., so not too bad for a 17" plant in a 3 gallon pot.
Captain Understatement. :laugh:
gum buzz, :)
I don't know what that is, but it sounds like fun!
You ever grow regs?
Thanks, VG!
Not any more- I did when I first started in the box, because that's all I had at the time...
And now that I just grow the 1 plant in there, and considering how my luck goes, I don't want to chance wasting a month on a male.
I do have 1 reg. seed, an Afghani, that I might stick in the ground once the weather warms up...
Thanks, Stunger- I left it on overnight, seems to have gotten them flattened out!

Thank you, Shed!
I'm lucky the cotys were flexible- the last time I tried to "adjust" one, it broke right off...

And , since it's Monday, it's time for a little Update on a few things...

First, in seedling news, the odd little GSC is squared away, after a somewhat weird start...
Here's how she looked yesterday morning- the root came up first, the sprout came up 4 hours later:

And, today..she's looking quite a bit better:

The cotyledons are open now, and those 2 leaves are actually growing pretty fast...still tiny, but a lot bigger than yesterday...

Not a lot more to say about that one right now, so how about a harvest update on the @Herbies Seeds
Blueberry Hill?

My new drying box did slow the drying down, but only by a day or 2- it took 7 days to dry, instead of the usual 5 or 6 days. Next time, I'll stick it out in the garage, where it's cooler, and run the fan less often...

Anyway, She's dry now and in the jars.
BBH weight 7.4 oz.jpg

7.4 oz., so not too bad for a 17" plant in a 3 gallon pot.

Quite a bit of weed there...I smoked a little last night- a nice, strong, relaxing indica buzz, and tastes great, even before the cure..
(half gallon jars)
BBH2 7.4 oz..jpg

I decided to take a look at her roots before she went into the greenwaste.. they look pretty good to me- she definitely used the whole pot..
BBH Roots 1.jpg

That's about all I've got today-
Thank You for looking, I really appreciate your support :love:

I hope everyone has a great week,
And please, continue to stay safe out there. :peace:
Good morning C Spray :)

What a fabulous result!

I’m gonna pop another seed today coz I want to grow one with you. And follow your steps. If it strikes I’ll be a few days behind, which will be perfect to follow you. With this seed can you update exactly how you train it please? I’m going to follow step by step. This is a 12:12 seed aye, not an automatic one?

It could be like a tutorial grow, and anyone reading has an option to learn as you grow, with their own grow. Like a cooking class.
Not any more- I did when I first started in the box, because that's all I had at the time...
And now that I just grow the 1 plant in there, and considering how my luck goes, I don't want to chance wasting a month on a male.
I do have 1 reg. seed, an Afghani, that I might stick in the ground once the weather warms up...
Seems like an idiotic question in retrospect.
Well good. I didn't think you'd grow them.
I'm having some serious deja vu. Have I asked this before? Sheesh..

Thought you may want to know that I just dropped my Wookiee and that the seed fairy is gonna visit you soon.
What a fabulous result!
Thanks, T!- Yeah, the training started real early on this one...:cheesygrinsmiley:
With this seed can you update exactly how you train it please?
I can do that- I was kind of thinking I should do a little more explaining. I'll try and keep it interesting.
This is a 12:12 seed aye, not an automatic one?
It's a 12:12 photoperiod seed.
I grow my autos outdoors, at least for now.

Have I asked this before? Sheesh..
Maybe? But it would have been a loonng time ago...
I just dropped my Wookiee and that the seed fairy is gonna visit you soon.
Yeah, He hit the jackpot on his latest seed making attempt!
I've changed my plans for the outdoor grow this year, now its a Wookies, and a Wookies x Kalashnikov autos.
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