Thanks, bluter!
I actually never thought about cutting the MC a little- I'll definitely do it that way in the future...
Back when I was using the mc, (which I'm going back to soon) what I did do was cut the BE way down to like .2g- No burnt plants, but
no real benefit that I could see from that low of a dosage- although sometimes it's hard to tell when you're using too little....but when you use too much, there's no guesswork involved- the plant will show you right away...
i never really dialed it in all the way. i could rock the BE better with a bit of work.
part of my issue was the plants were marginal going in and i was pushing hard. i never got a great balance ever right til the chop.
what i did to get in the window was :
measure by gram / litre, but run by ppm
start with the base mount of MC, measured by the gram/litre. - it's how i feed with MC.
checked the greenleaf website to be sure i was within the right gram window for plants at my stage of flower
checked what the corresponding ppm would be
checked to see if i was within that window
checked the g/l recommend for BE with plants at that stage of flower
made a mix of BE alone - measured the ppm.
reduced the g/l mix of MC to run lower.
with both combined it should equal about where you run the MC alone.
worked great but i adjusted that formula as my run was hot going in. i let it stay hot, so my ppm would have been about a 100 - 200 or so less normally. i finished flower in the 1200ppm range or so which most would find super hot with MC in a passive hydro. it's about where i finished with other nutes though.
edit : should add - ran less than the max amount of BE recommended. i think we wound up at about .5g / l under the top. we played around with both.