Bad news today.
Even though we are running the hps at 18/6, the Caramelicious have decided to begin flowering.
6 out of 10 are males so far,
2 are confirmed females and
2 that are iffy.
I didn't think these were auto-flowering, but have been told that sometimes stress will throw them into flowering early.
None of the 13 freebies are showing pre-flower signs yet.
The quandary is... do we throw them all under 12/12 at this point? We were hoping for a longer veg period to gain size.
Some of the freebies are Indicas and are looking really nice, but have shown no signs of pre-flowering yet. Do we forfit their longer veg growth for the two known female Caramelicious?
What are the consequences of leaving plants the have shown female pre-flowers at 18/6?