Caramelicious In NorCal

swampgas :passitleft:They are and have leaped up and out in their new homes and larger Lumen area, by raising up the lamps. They will continue to fill in nicely as well allowing light to get into the inside lateral branch areas. The added warmth and C02 will help greatly. Your plants are beautiful sir.:smokin:
Sorry, I just can't help myself, I'm posting some more pictures. Not much new to say, just pictures today.
Oh, except that we still have one marijuana plant that is bright yellow. We have no idea why it's yellow and no idea why just that one would be yellow. It's just weird. See if you can spot it in the pictures. Pics were taken while the hps was on, so the color is a little washed out, but I think you will be able to find it, it's visible in all the photos.



3rd from the left 4th over Yellow one? Hmmm. Which strain is this one? swampgas, maybe set it off to the side, and try check root conditions,compared to a greener one and see if there is any difference. 1 out of all those is not bad just one of those ones in question. They all are and have been given indentical treatment form start I know, so where did this girl go to? Hmmmmmmmm. Is the soil on this one getting dryer than the others? Any severe leaf deformations? Are the tip ends really curling up? I did not see that in the photos.
Where are you at in fertilizing and watering stages again swampgas?
Which strain is this one swampgas?
It was one of the freebies from the seed bank, so I'm not exactly sure of the strain.
Is the soil on this one getting dryer than the others? Any severe leaf deformations? Are the tip ends really curling up? I did not see that in the photos.
Alll things appear equal, it is off to the side and has been for a while. It was a little stressed because the light was too close for a while, but that has been rectified. However, it was yellow prior to the light damage.
Where are you at in fertilizing and watering stages again swampgas?
Tomorrow will be a week since transplant. Yesterday we delivered a light nutrient solution SeaMaxx (16/16/16). We water when the soil is dry a couple of inches down. The good news is that they all appear to be greening up a bit, even the yellow one, beginning at the veins and working outward. We will water with a table spoon of Earth Juice (2/1/1) pre gal. during veg, with a bump of 16/16/16 every 4th watering or so.
The babies were getting a little stinky, both inside and outside the house. We decided it was time to do something about it. Might as well take care of it now, besides, I've got the feeling it's going to get much worse (depending on how you look at it) in the near future. *smile*

Charcoal fiber filter.

Mounted to the top side of the attic access panel.

In place. Notice the MMJ paperwork on the wall...completely legal grow. *smile*
The closet area is just waiting for clones.

We also had to space them out a little bit more to allow them room to grow.
They're really starting to spread out now.

They are taking over and it's getting tougher to move about the room.
I was hoping we would have this problem. *smile*
how much is the investment on this grow?
Thanks PHATBLUNT. The investment is nearing 3 grand so far. We're keeping close track of every penny spent. There are a lot of incidental expendatures and we haven't even figured in PG&E yet.
The good news is that the next grow will a lot less. We will already have everything we need.
Bad news today.

Even though we are running the hps at 18/6, the Caramelicious have decided to begin flowering.

6 out of 10 are males so far,
2 are confirmed females and
2 that are iffy.

I didn't think these were auto-flowering, but have been told that sometimes stress will throw them into flowering early.

None of the 13 freebies are showing pre-flower signs yet.

The quandary is... do we throw them all under 12/12 at this point? We were hoping for a longer veg period to gain size.

Some of the freebies are Indicas and are looking really nice, but have shown no signs of pre-flowering yet. Do we forfit their longer veg growth for the two known female Caramelicious?

What are the consequences of leaving plants the have shown female pre-flowers at 18/6?
swampgas IMO I would keep the veg period going until all your plants are ready.:cool:
You can't change the Caramelicious and it won't hurt it much to keep it veg for the extra week or two. Yes I have held back an auto flower in veg and its doing fine.:grinjoint:

That suck's about the male to female ratio.:whoa:

I hope that helps.:cheertwo:

Bad news today.

Even though we are running the hps at 18/6, the Caramelicious have decided to begin flowering.

6 out of 10 are males so far,
2 are confirmed females and
2 that are iffy.

I didn't think these were auto-flowering, but have been told that sometimes stress will throw them into flowering early.

None of the 13 freebies are showing pre-flower signs yet.

The quandary is... do we throw them all under 12/12 at this point? We were hoping for a longer veg period to gain size.

Some of the freebies are Indicas and are looking really nice, but have shown no signs of pre-flowering yet. Do we forfit their longer veg growth for the two known female Caramelicious?

What are the consequences of leaving plants the have shown female pre-flowers at 18/6?

Sorry to hear so many males.
I am by no means a seasoned grower but just looking at what you have as of now,I would definetly start my 12/12.
You will get alot of varied responses on this I'm sure.
Good luck with whatever you decide.Nice setup! :peace:
Even though we are running the hps at 18/6, the Caramelicious have decided to begin flowering.

6 out of 10 are males so far,
2 are confirmed females and
2 that are iffy.

No worries on the ones starting to show sex. The 6 of 10 thus far are luck of the draw. I do not see that you have caused undo stress on the plants thus far into the grow.
Keeping the light cycle at 18/6 is ok. removing the males from there will give some extra room to manuever around in. Are you keeping a male for any breeding purposes?
Glad to see the Nute program working, and greening up things. They are rapidly exploding vertical bound. When do you think a possible 12/12 cycle will be induced?
You could cut back time to 12/12 right now and secure all sexing, then re veg them back on 18/6. I have done this successfully many times in an initial crop grown from seed. It does take an extra 30 days from the overall cycle of completion.
Are you taking cuttings soon, to perpeptuate the next generation?
maybe you need to up the yellow plants N. A plant that turns yellow is 95% of the time hungry for nitrogen. This could be due to pH trouble, too low a strength of nutrients, lockout, temp issues etc.

Given that the other plants are doing just fine and that this particular one is a "mystery" strain I would feed it its own nutrients. This strain might require more N than the others. Either up the whole veg nute program for that guy or find an amendment specific to Nitrogen. I use "Green Stay" by supernatural (thanks to your420friend for telling me about it) as a foliar spray. I also use cal-mag plus. Both GS and CM+ have calcium-nitrate and magnesium nitrate so the plants are getting some good micro nutes as well as N from the nitrate.

I had issues in the past using just Grow Big 6-4-4 where I would get N def or burn the plant. There did not seem to be a good middle ground so I switched to Old Age Grow 12-6-6 for veg and it fixed that particular problem.

Like damagoman says keep that N high in veg into flower unless you want a twig and berry fest in your grow room. :)
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