Caramelicious In NorCal


I love this pic. What beautiful buds!
wow thats all i got to say...
Thanks inferno420, thats all i got to say...
How those lovely ladies doing today Swamp? Jones-ing for a pic update of that carmalicious...
Hey flyfishinrock, scroll down, I hope this satisfies your jones...
I love this pic. What beautiful buds!
Thanks Ms.Fox, I wish I could share them with you. :)

Ok, sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Sometimes it doesn't seem like they change much and there's nothing new to post, but in looking at the pictures, I guess I can see the changes in their development.
This is at 6 and 1/2 weeks into 12/12.








The clones are going nicely back into veg. It's so cool how they do that. They are anxiously awaiting their turn in the flowering room.

Such a splendiferous grow. Wonderful, now I'm rethinking my aversion to shlepping bags of dirt, trans(ugh)planting, and never really seeing what's going on down there. Caramelicious knows and likes it, so you got it right. The faith required to just let it grow is not the same as lifting a DWC access cover and yup, there's the roots! Waving around down in there like seaweed.
All in all, Swampy, ole Gator here would prolly enjoy a visit up your way, specially if Julie was around giving your pix some more perspective. Really nice pix you've shared, but I'm thinking the subjects are the stars.
You got one of them comfy kick-back chairs and a remote? Yeah you do, and you're gonna need'm. Maybe not the remote.
Thanks for the compliments on the clones Ms.Fox, Stizzle, and l8nightskunk. I'll pass them along to the little ladies.
Propa Gator, I've just always enjoyed soil and getting my hands dirty. I may venture into hydro some day, but not today. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice post.
Thanks pan4, flyfishinrock and you too Allglad. I appreciate you guys.
wow, your garden looks fantastic! I know you are getting excited. Keep up the good work.

Peace and good growing:hippy:
wow, your garden looks fantastic! I know you are getting excited. Keep up the good work.
Peace and good growing:hippy:
Thank you HK and thank you for all you do behind the scenes.

It has been a while since I've posted anything about the freebies we got with our order. I've sort of been focused on the Caramelicious.

Being freebies, we have no idea what their genetics are. They aren't as impressive as the Caramelicious are, but they are starting to come into their own, so I thougt I throw up a few pics. They appear to be a couple of weeks behind the Caramelicious, but are starting to bud out nicely now. If anyone has any ideas as to what they are, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Here they are.




Here's a couple more of the freebies under more natural lighting.


The Caramelicious are nearing their end. The fan leaves are yellowing as they put their all into their buds. I can't help being a little happy and sad at the same time, that it's almost over for them.




The good news is, it's not over for them. They live on in the nearly 30 clones we've taken from them for our next crop. :-)

amazing grow dude. I am jealous. Are you going to veg those clones or just throw them into flower? And from what I hear the general rule of plants that are just about finished is "if you think they are ready, wait a week". I've never had the ability to do that due to time constraints but I'm sure some one else will say the same. Once again though awesome grow
Very nice freebies! very healthy!
Thanks l8nightskunk.
When's harvest time?
Another week, possibly two. We'll just have to keep an eye on them and see. The seed supplier says 8-9 weeks. We are at 7 weeks right now.
Looking terrific swampgas, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back, and I'll go ahead and bump up your reps.
I appreciate you flyfishinrock, thanks for the reps.
Excellent work!
Both buds and clones are awesome! +reps
Thanks tricome.
amazing grow dude. I am jealous. Are you going to veg those clones or just throw them into flower? And from what I hear the general rule of plants that are just about finished is "if you think they are ready, wait a week". I've never had the ability to do that due to time constraints but I'm sure some one else will say the same. Once again though awesome grow
Thanks Stizzle, the clones were put back into veg (18/6) as soon as we took them. A few of them are fighting it a bit, but most are taking to it nicely. Choosing the optimal time to harvest is always a bit tricky and everyone has an opinion about it. We are watching them closely and hopefully we will pull the plug at just the right time.
wonderful grow man, as always.
nice to see plants at their prime on 4.20!
looks like we're going to harvest at about the same time- you have more plants though!
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