Caramelicious In NorCal ll (Revenge of the Clones)

LOOKING GOOD as always
Poke Smot, thank you.
Thanks Stizz1e
Sir Swampgas, time spent on your threads is like, for me, listening to Neil Young sing 'Natural Beauty'. Thankyou.
Thanks back at you Propa Gator, what a nice thing to say.
after the last grow i have to follow this you are a great gardener and the pics are just the best;)
Thanks blackbeast, glad to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by.
glad to see your room full again so quickly- congrats on the last harvest!
thanks for the picture of the mover. crazy looking clones!
great grows man.
I agree, the room looks better when it's full. :-)

If you've followed us here from our last journal, thanks so much for all the inspiration and kind comments. The 420 Magazine community is awesome. We are honored to have you along for this journal as well.

Not much new to report, the clones are a bit bigger and bushier. Here's a few pics I took tonight.


Our little camp heater more than doubles the co2 levels in grow room.
Just ceep em' coming !!!++
Great :rollit:
Thanks HazeSeeker, here come some more.
Nice plants swampgas.:cool:
Off to a great start.;)
Thanks Pan4, I think they need to put you on as staff, seriously. You always have encouraging words for all.
Very nice! very proffesional looking!
Thanks l8
Wow, I finished reading your last journal last night. Thank you! Now that was some kind of fun, with the boobs and all. My favorite part was when the boobs where in the jungle and then the boobs where in the jungle.
Those are my favorite parts too. :-)
I see you're still truckin. ;-) Nice!
Thanks Ms.Fox, we've missed you around here.

Tomorrow we switch to 12/12. After that, the pictures should start to be more interesting. We've squeezed 18 plants into this room and this strain really likes to spread out. It should get fun in the next couple of months. Here's tonights pics.



Thanks flyfishinrock, pan4, & siscokid.
borntorun, it's hard to get her out of the room so I can take pictures, what a pest. I suppose I had better do something for size comparison though. We'll see about letting her in a few photos soon.
Thanks inferno420, we have 18 females currently into 12/12.

We are three days into 12/12 and they are just itching to push buds. It won't be long before the start struttin' their stuff.




Swampgas, some of your kin may have passed my way in the swamp. My olfactories detected skunk, and I was happy. When your bushy beauties bud up, and you share the vision, surely Julie will assist with perspective, and make me happy again? Every time I review your generous pix, I'm impressed anew by the wholesome lush health you display. Julie looks good, too.
Thanks Haze and Pan4.

Propa Gator, it seems Julie only likes to pose with buds. The good news is... we're a bit over a week into flowering, buds are beginning to form.

The garden grows.




The buds begin to form. :-)


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